NSFW shit

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So I would say hes more or less vanilla, quite dom but would let you take the rains once in a while.

He might be willing to explore if you want to try stuff, just no gross or weird shit.

Bondage?....yeah he would be up for it I mean hell he might even discover that he like it too. ;)

Fem s/o:

He would probably want you to ride him but he would be in control, he would be holding your hips and guiding your body.

Boobs. He. Loves. Them.
He loves your boobs with passion, hes kiss, play and do what ever you want him to do with them, along as he gets to touch/look at em he's up for it.

Also if your into public/ risky shit he would probs have to be coaxed into it but asoon as he dose it once he's hooked.

Male s/o:

(Havnt written male readers ever so...might be a little shit lol)

He wouldn't be concerned since he wasnt taught or brought up homophobic so he dosnt care if you have a dick or not.

Even if you are a dude or a dom dude he ain't being a bottom...like ever you would need to fight this man to dom him.

If you are into risky she He would probably jerk/ wank you off under a table while at a meeting with the rest of the lords and mother miranda.

If somone *cough* *cough* mother miranda- didnt approve of your "SiNeR wAYs!!!!" He would kill them and than fuck you, he dont give two shits.

Dom reader:

Ain't happening, trust me he wont bottom, the only way to get him to bottom is to (like I said earlier) fight the fucker.

You want to top him, you need to get this man to say
"Okay you win!"
In a fight but we all know this cocky mother fucker wont say that lol.

//write the shit you want me to write in the comments heheheheh

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