Chapter 27: A Little Bit of Patience

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We began to brainstorm plans to achieve our goal at the first possible moment. The biggest roadblock was finding a way to get to Hyun-suk, given the fact that he was currently in Korea, nowhere near where we were. Could we just wait for the tour to be over? Sure. But that would be giving him more time to enact whatever was on his mind, which could potentially spell disaster for all of us.

That meant we needed to find a way to get him to us. What further complicated things was that I didn't want the girls to know about what I was planning. If successful, it would be the perfect hit. I could easily have an alibi and it was perfectly believable that someone else would try to take him out. I wouldn't be the most obvious suspect. In fact, to the authorities, I wouldn't be a suspect at all. The only people who might have thought it was me would be the girls.

"We're going to need to lie to the girls," Amelie said, giving me a stern look. "You're aware of that, right?"

I nodded. "I know. I'm not happy about it. But if it keeps them safe, then it'll be worth it."

"Is that how they'll see it? Is that how Jisoo will see it?"

"Since when do you care?" I snapped. "I thought you were telling me that I hadn't changed at that this is who I am."

"Maybe I was wrong," she said. "I don't want to be the reason you push your happiness away. You already did that once and look how that turned out."

"Yeah, well, what do you want me to do? Can you imagine how I would feel if I did nothing and then something else happened to them? Jisoo was kidnapped, Amelie. They hurt her! She didn't even have anything to do with any of it. No. We're ending this."

Amelie looked at me for a moment, then nodded. "Okay."

"That's it?"

"I can see how important this is to you, and I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. That's not my style."

"Good," I said, still feeling mildly irritated at the whole thing for reasons that I couldn't properly explain. Maybe it was because I knew she was right, and I was feeling a little guilty. Maybe it was because I was afraid of what would happen if I was found out or if I failed.

"If we want to get him over here, we'll need a damn good reason," Amelie said. "And the only way I can think to do that is—"

"Get the girls to like," I said. "And we won't even be able to tell them why they're lying. That won't work though because they'll know something is wrong. And if he shows up and dies, they'll immediately know it was us."

"So we need to come up with another reason," she said. "Can Yoongi—"

"No. I'm not putting him in harm's way anymore than I already have."

"Then what are we going to do?" Amelie asked. "Because those are the only two options I can think of."

We sat in silence, both of our brains working on overdrive, until a light went off in my head. There was a way. It was dangerous and foolish—but if it worked, it would remove suspicion from me and get Hyun-suk over here.

"I think I have an idea."


<What are you doing back here?> Jisoo asked, her face clearly showing her confusion. <I thought you said you were going to keep some distance from us.>

<What, do you want me to go?> I teased. <I can leave if you want.>

She laughed and poked me. <No! I'm happy about it! But you just said...>

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