Chapter 3

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• Two Days Later •

"Odalia? What is it?"

Odalia spoke up calmly, having been quiet for a few minutes. "Nothing too serious, dear. I'm just worried about Amity and her engagement."

"Well, it looked like the conversation went fairly well, didn't it? Amity seemed receptive?"

"I suppose so. But I'm not sure if I can trust her if we're gradually seeing less of her. I can't let anything go wrong with this. At least, not like with Emira."

Alador paused. "Odalia, Edric and Emira may not have ended the situation the way we anticipated. But we didn't exactly take what they wanted into consideration. And it seems like they are happy where they are now."

Odalia glared down at the book she was holding.

"How would we know that? We haven't heard a word from either of them in since that cursed wedding. What makes you so confident that they're happy?"

Alador didn't reply. Odalia sighed and went over to pull something off a shelf. "Well, if we need this situation to end with as little issues as possible, and considering how concerned Amity seemed to be with tradition, she may need some guidance to help her keep up. It's been so long since our wedding, I already forgot the majority of the rules and traditions. I just recall how difficult it was to remember everything. She'll need help to keep track of it all."

Alador saw what Odalia was holding, and his eyes went wide. "Do you really think that's necessary? I'm sure it would be fine if we just gave Amity the book. Or even a checklist..."

"I would like to trust her on that. However, something else is making me feel uneasy. Yes, she was receptive, but I don't know if you bothered to notice, she's more quiet than usual." Odalia finished her thought as she opened the box she was holding. "Some of the rules require certain enforcements as well. She could use the assistance."

A small, lilac-colored light appeared out of the box, Odalia giving her instructions, before it flew away at a fast pace.

• Meanwhile •

Amity set her toothbrush back in the cup, leaning back and noting an unusual stiffness in her chest.

That one sensation made the circumstances very real in only a few seconds. Her throat became sore, and she found herself hugging her chest a bit with her free arm.

It was the same bathroom that she and Luz got engaged in three days prior. The test still visible in the garbage and everything.

The hair going through her fingers tickled, and almost tangled in the bow on her finger.

Every visit starting then, she would discretely move some of her belongings over. Such as a pair of clothes or her Good Witch Azura books.

Even when breathing it felt obvious. Taking deeper breaths just to feel it again. Almost in a daze. Somehow, feeling that one sensation seemed more engaging than anything else she had ever been involved in.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Amity replied quickly with a nod, looking at Luz who was standing in the doorway.

"I think I'm starting to feel them already."

Luz blinked, not expecting it, but clearly excited as she walked over and hugged Amity from behind. "R—Really? How long is it supposed to...?"

Amity held up five fingers.

Luz, like everyone else in the Boiling Isles, was taught in school how reproduction worked for witches.

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