A Plan Pt 2: The Lack Thereof

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"No no no I swear if you stop now I'll-" the car sputtered and gave out. Anya sighed. "I'll do nothing.."

She climbed out of the lavender Volkswagen she got second hand a year or so ago. She'd always wanted one but it wasn't ever practical. After meeting an interesting man at a bar, she decided to embrace her younger self a little more and the bug was her first purchase.

"Damnit." She ran her tongue across her teeth as she dialed the local tow truck service. They came and picked up her car.

She ended up the next day taking an Uber to the mechanics where her car was taken for a bit extra.

"Look this car isn't new but it shouldn't be braking down in the middle of my drive. I don't have time for this sort of thing," she insisted as the mechanic- a rough looking man who looked like he lived off gas station food and coughed like he smoked a pack a day.

"Sorry to brake it to ya lil lady but there's nothin we can do for ya." He looked at her again and chuckled. "Not here anyway."

She scrunched up her face which was quickly becoming an angry shade of red and opened her mouth to snap back when a voice behind her beat her to it, "That's gross Jim. Fuck off let me look." 

Without turning to look at her or her turning to him, the man poked through her hood for a bit before standing up. Still not looking he explained, "It's a pretty easy fix just needs a few parts replaced. Jim's just a LAZY BASTARD!" He said the last part louder to make sure he was heard.

He finally looked up and smiled. "Didn't think I'd see you here, Hollywood."

He wasn't wrong. She didn't think so either. They were quite a ways away from the bar they'd met at a year ago. A whole different state actually.

"Zachariah- Zach," she grinned. "It's great to see you! I didn't know you lived out here."

He leaned against the car and looked down. "I do now actually. Transferred here a few months ago. Got a promotion and an apartment." He puffed up his chest and grinned again. "You're looking at the new owner of this here mechanical shop."

"That's really great Zach," she laughed.

"Thank ya kindly ma'am," he tipped his imaginary hat. "What brings you out here then Hollywood? I woulda noticed if you lived here."

"I'm just out here for work. I'm staying in a hotel just outside of town." She nodded in a general direction.

"How's that going? I mean it doesn't sound too taxing- you look good." He smiled and she knew he meant nothing other than what he'd said. And he wasn't wrong again. Her style had changed since they'd met. Her bobbed blonde hair was now just long enough for the messy bun she'd put in before she left. She traded the black pencil skirt for slacks and a lavender button up that matched her car. Gold earrings and necklace matched the gold buttons on her shirt. The only thing that hadn't changed was a pair of heels. "Is that a helix piercing I spy there Hollywood?"

She laughed and nodded. "I got it that night actually. They're supposed to hurt like hell but I guess I was too drunk to remember so thank you." She checked her watch habitually.

"As hell you're probably on a schedule huh? I'm sure you didn't plan all this." He grinned and turned back to her car. "Listen I'll tell you what this is a wicked easy fix so I can get you a good deal on it-"

"Oh no you don't have to do all that I can pay for the repairs." She stepped closer but he shook his head.

"If you buy the parts Hollywood I won't pay you for the labor and I'll even deliver it to you myself at the bar just down the way." He grinned brightly. "To catch up of course."

She laughed and shook her head. "I don't know Zach I'm technically here for work-"

"And you can tell me all about it over a Shirley Temple and some shots."

She sighed, "Thank you." She couldn't help a smile.

"No problem Hollywood. I'll see you at ten?"

"Ten then."

After paying for the parts for her car, Anya headed back to her room to finish up her work for the day and change. While she changed into a casual white and gold dress Zach picked out his nicest jeans- the only one without holes- and a black shirt. They met in front of the bar at ten, the purple bug parked in front looking cleaner than it'd started.

"Seriously Zach thank you for fixing my car. I've gotten far too attached to the damn thing," Anya said over her drink.

"It's quite literally what I do Hollywood," he smiled.

"So how's it been going? Find a girl you like enough yet?"

He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. "Actually.."

She laughed much louder than she meant and covered her mouth. "You're kidding! Zachariah, Zach, Ri, Ari, Hot Stuff, and Our Friendly Neighborhood Mechanic not only working a nine to five but also has a girlfriend?"

"Woah woah she's not my girlfriend-"


"Hush," he laughed, red faced, and threw a balled up napkin at her. "Her names Josie, she's from New Orleans, she's a vet and she snorts when she laughs." He looked very proud.

"A vet?" She prompted.

"Yeah that's- actually how we met. I got a- a parrot a while back- apartment got lonely- and he got sick so I went by to see what was wrong."

"An exotic vet?"

His face got redder. "Uh no. That's the thing. I didn't know you had to go to a specific vet for birds. Bullshit if you ask me but- she looked at him anyway and turns out he's a she and she was laying eggs. Which is normal! Like- friggen- like a chicken. Her name is now Bonnie not Clyde."

She laughed again and nodded. "So you guys have been talking?"

"A bit yeah," he nodded back as he ordered another drink. "How about you Hollywood?"

She shook her head, taking another drink. "Not for me. Not yet."

"Doesn't fit the plan?" He teased.

"Ha ha. Love happens by chance," she smiled.

"That we can agree." They took a shot.

"So what is it you do Anya?" He asked after a while. "I don't think you ever mentioned?"

"Oh- interior design. I'm a sort of team leader I guess." She finished her drinks and soon was brought another.

"No shit?"

"No shit. I've done homes for lots of big people. I did a project for Disney a while ago. That was fun. Probably my favorite sketches."

"No shit??"

"No shit. I can show you later."

"Hell yeah! Fuckin love Disney."

They kept talking for a while and eventually participated in the bars karaoke night performing classics by Beyoncé, Spice Girls, and Journey. After the bar closed, a more sober Anya and a less sober Zach went by his apartment to drop him off while he occupied himself by looking through a portfolio full of Anyas favorite sketches, collages, and watercolors from projects and listening yo the stories that go with it.

Before leaving, they exchanged information to actually keep in touch. Anya headed back to her hotel and both went to bed for another day of work in the morning.

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