One Day- Fall

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(Halloween season)

We wake up at a normal time, 9-10 but we don't actually get up till an hour or two later. We make breakfast at home but I'm the only one that really eats- chocolate chip pancakes. We get dressed and I wear a sweater because they're the best- and my thigh high boots which you pout about. We drive through to get coffee on our way out. It's almost noon now and I insist on going through somewhere for lunch. We end up getting Chinese take out and share. We drive to the city and go to one of those pumpkin patches. I've still not finished my big ass coffee and you didn't either but you probably won't. We go through the maze first and get utterly lost. It's about two when we make it to the middle. I climb on your back and we absolutely cheat to get back out again. We go on the hayride and they pass out apple cider. I take one and you try it. We pick out pumpkins and you get the biggest one you can find. I find a little bitty gourd and shove it on your sweatshirt pocket so I can take it home. I pick out a funky looking pumpkin because they're my favorite. By the time we're ready to leave it's 3 or 4 and we load up our pumpkins. I put my gourd on the dash while you drive. We go to a drive in movie and lay out blankets and pillows in the back. (Either the bed of a truck or we lay the seats back or something) They're shoeing a scary movie which I didn't know about. It's an older one and not so bad. I still pout and jump at the scary bits even if my head in your lap. You keep laughing at me but you jump a little too. We stop somewhere for dinner but we take it home. At home we mess around and play with The Nightmare Before Christmas on the TV. We make cookies and forget to put them up before we go to bed. There'll a few missing by the time we wake up. It takes a while for us to go to sleep because we're both stubborn but eventually one gets the other to fall asleep first. There's no storm. No bad dreams. But we do wake up. The kind of slow waking up from the other shifting or just when you suddenly find yourself awake. It doesn't take long to fall back asleep though.

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