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POV: Tony
Word count: 1041
Story: This takes place after tony had palladium poisoning which causes pain in his arc.
TW: Slight addiction to drugs but not really.
Dedicated to thenewbianca_


Just after a few weeks of recovering from palladium poisoning, Tony had another problem coming on its way. It made his chest pain, not a normal one but sharp pain felt like when Obadiah pulled out his reactor.

This pain has got usual to tony which occurred barely like once in a week. He even prepared his own painkiller using Morphine by personalising it so it doesn't affect his arc reactor.

Now the problem is that the pain is unpredicted about its arrival which scares tony that he might not have his pills at the moment. It feels like tearing your chest and breaking your ribs one by one and it sometimes triggers tony about Afghanistan and causes panic attacks with the Pain which makes it even worse.

"Hey J, any projects there for me to do?"

"no sir, but Mr Fury has called you for a mission meeting in the next 2 hours."

"uh, that sucks"tiny said while repairing his suits.


"Yup what's it, Jarvis?"

"Carry your meds to the mission, sir, I have noticed your pattern of taking meds and I suppose you'll have pain during the mission, so please take your meds."

"uhhh I don't think it will happen and btw rogers and others don't know that I take painkillers so it's better if I don't."

------------------------------------time skip to the meeting--------------------------------------------------

"Why have you called us Mr. pirate?"

" tony stop being funny now, by the way, you all have to on a mission in Canada."

"why?" Steve asked.

" oh come on I'm not going"

"Tony, we need you the most!"

"fine I'm coming"

"in meantime, I'll set the jet for all of and bucky can control the jet," said Fury.

Everyone got ready and headed for the jet. Clint took the copilot seat and bucky started the engine.

Clint: why didn't you fix the autopilot its been damaged from past weeks mission.

"okay on it," Tony said and pulled out a screen and started fixing the jet.

While fixing it he felt his chest going crazy. it felt numb and unable to breathe but soon it started to kick in as sharp pains throughout the chest. Now he wanted to shout and scream out of pain but he didn't want anybody to know about his problem....especially steve.

Minutes passed by now he couldn't bear it anymore, well at least should've listened to Jarvis.

"Bruce, can I talk to you....ow, please come here."

"what is it, Tony?"


"spit it out stark!"

" hurts bruc...plea....i...c-cant..."

"OMG tony what hurts?? what is it? can we stop the mission?"

"......................i..don't..i...don't...know..." tony said weakly.

"you, can you speak or wait for im calling cap."

"No, please. no, no bruce don't let anyone know to help me now, it....hurts my....arc hurts....give me some painkiller please."

"painkiller? what do you mean?"

"oh shit, bruce......I'll tell you later now I need pain meds or im gonna die of this pain."

"ok ok I'll search if I got any in the jet"

(nobody noticed tony as he was sitting at the last seat in the row)

Oh, shit, we've got nothing..bruce thought to himself. He ran back to Tony and told him about the situation and Bruce thought it would be best to tell the teammates about tony.

"Guys...We are in an emergency."

Steve: What is it bruce?
Nat: Who and where?
Bucky: What kind of?

"Ok guys Tony is in Pain and he needs some painkillers to ease it, the problem is we don't have one"

"where the hell is tony tho??" steve asked while his eyes searching for him.

everyone got quiet and hears soft whimpers and sobs coming from the corner of the plane, bucky got up and told clint to control. As they slowly approached and saw Tony on the floor like a mess, he was crying as streams of tears were running down and his shirt was crumpled in sweat. they saw him curled up towards the corner and holding his chest with his hands.

Steve went near and realised tony was having a panic attack, without hesitation, bucky came forward and hugged tony while whispering calming sentences. "Tony, breath for me now, in and out just like im doing," bucky said while doing exasperated breathing.

Seemed like he got normal but was still wondering why he was holding his chest and clutching on Bucky's arm.

"Tony, can you talk? please respond. where does it hurt? is it the arc?"

".... I need painkillers, Buck. I.... forgot them at the towers..."

"ok, we will go back until then you have to wait."

"uhh.. it hurts James I...I can't........"

"Oh I'm sorry I can't do anything," bucky said while stroking tony forward and backward, and noticed tony was gripping harder on buckys metal arm.

Pain exhausted him as he fell asleep on bucky. As soon as they reached the tower, everybody started searching for his meds.

"Jarvis where are tony's meds?"

"it's on the left cupboard in the lab, captain rogers."

"oh okay thank you"

Steve paced around the cupboard and finally found the yellow box of pills which were different than usual meds, he ran to the living room where he was laid on the couch as Tony doesn't like to be woken up in the medbay.

"Hey Tony we are home, take your meds now."

Tony woke up to the calm voices around him but still felt the burning pain.

Steve and bucky helped him take the pills and got him to his bedroom.
tony got relaxed and others helped him get settled, bruce got cooling packs for his arc and Natasha massaged his head and he fell asleep happily knowing that he has a family.


I know the story sucked but I wanted to complete it tho<3



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