Eating Disorder

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Pairing: Stuckony (Steve x Tony x Bucky)
Word count: 921
TW: procedures of curing the eating disorder.
Note: The request was pepperony but I didn't get any prompt idea with pepper dealing with Tony so sorry.


Tony loved Steve and Bucky, and they loved him- very much. He knew that. When the three finally announced their relationship to the world, Tony knew people would be mean and rude because that's how the world was. But what Tony did was not prepared for was the silence.

The world congratulated Bucky and Steve by putting them on the covers of magazines and inviting them to television interviews, but they seemed to ignore that Tony was a part of the relationship too. They didn't even mention him at all.

The two men told him profusely to not listen to the tabloids and that they loved him very much, and they told the internet so. They wouldn't do an interview without Tony and they wouldn't pose for any photoshoot with Tony standing between them- but still, the internet persisted. They wanted Steve and Bucky- the two hot supersoldier boyfriends- and so they made sure they got what they wanted. They took photos of them against their will and cut Tony out.

Soon the internet was full of 'Bucky And Steve Go On An Ice Cream Date', 'Bucky And Steve Share Kisses In The Park', and so on. People made fan art of the two and tweeted about their cuteness constantly. Still, there was no mention of Tony; and even though his boyfriends told him to ignore it- he couldn't.

Tony looked at himself in the mirror and finally, he started to understand. Tony looked at his short pudgy body and finally saw why he couldn't be a part of 'The Hottest Couple of The Decade'.

But looking at the scale, (his mind turning the 1 of 145lbs to a 3), he decided he would change things.

So he stopped eating.

Every time his stomach would growl in hunger, he walked to the gym instead. He would work out profusely hoping to get even half of the muscles his super-soldier boyfriends carried around.

When he finally felt his body's last call for hunger that singled it was about to give out he allowed himself an energy bar.

He filled his boyfriends with excuses-

"I eat lunch in the lab."

"Then what about breakfast? You never eat with us anymore."

"I go to the office and eat with Pepper while we go over paperwork."

"And dinner? You never let us take you out anymore."

"I'm on a new diet. I eat a large lunch and no dinner."

"Is that safe?"

"Of course, my nutritionist made a plan for me."

He didn't have a nutritionist. He was full of excuses, they never stopped coming.

Even when the scale showed him a 95lbs and his clothes were literally hanging off of him, he still didn't like what he saw. He may be slightly thinner, but he wasn't thin enough. His muscles were still lanky and weak. He was still a disappointment.

Two months after they revealed their relationship, The Daily Bugle published an article titled 'Tony Stark: The Sugar Daddy of the Famous Superhero Couple' which featured a cartoon of two tall hot men on either side of the page with their shirts off and a dramatically tiny 'Monopoly Man' between them with Tony's famous goatee and a large belly. This was the tip of the iceberg for Tony.

He had to show his boyfriends that he was more than a sugar daddy. That he was more than a fat, weak old man.

For two weeks he avoided his boyfriends. They tried to talk to him after the article came out but he ignored their calls and requests to enter the lab, he didn't want to hear their laughter. He didn't want to hear how accurate the article was. He didn't want to hear how they wanted to leave him.

Instead, he worked out. He built a gym in his lab so he never had to leave or face his boyfriends. He didn't want them to see him until he was new until he was better until he was worthy.

Even more, pounds flew off of him and even though he was skin and bones, he still saw the flabby 'Monopoly Man' staring back at him.

Because he locked himself in the lab, he didn't realize he was missing out on his energy bars and the occasional salad. So it was not long before the muted Jarvis was able to let out an emergency alarm through the tower because Tony had passed out.

The team had barely seen him over the last two months so they were shocked to see him inhumanly thin and weak. They could count his ribs and see the bones in his arms. Bucky and Steve immediately broke down in tears upon seeing him.

Tony was put under watch for about a month to make sure he was eating and exercising correctly. Steve and Bucky made a public statement about how hurtful the public was toward Tony and how important he is to them. Some apologized, some didn't.

Tony followed the instructions of his therapist and real nutritionist, but even so, he still didn't feel worthy. People could apologize but he was still in the same body. He wouldn't get stronger or taller, he would never look like his boyfriends.

But every day, Steve and Bucky worked towards making him understand that that is okay. That they love him just the way he is, and that he is worthy.

Tony doesn't believe it now, and probably won't tomorrow, but they won't rest until he someday does. 

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