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"What do you mean you've never made a snowman?"

"I'm from Southern California, Rhodey. Warm sand and balmy breezes."

"Doesn't your family go to Switzerland over Christmas break?"

Tony shrugged. "They are just business trips. Besides, I am and was too old to go play in the snow."

Rodhey couldn't help but pity over his best friend who was forced to grow up ever since he was born.

"Get up and come outside with me"

"Where? It's too cold~"

"Move your ass up, we are gonna make a snowman."

"Oh come on, I'm not doing that, I cant survive in that temperature Honey Bear!" Tony whined.

Rodhey picked up his best friend from rolls or blankets and threw him into the snow.

"H-How does kidzzz make sn-snow in this cold~~" Tony spoke in gritted teeth.

"You gotta learn Anthony"Rhodhey threw a pile of snow over his face

"Oh No, guess you just called me for a snow battle."

"really?" Rhodhey was proud that his friend finally liked snow, so there you go they had a snow battle.


"And...I WON!!!!" 

"oh no. I LOST" Rhodey did a fake pout which had them laughing for good minutes.



"Uhmm, Rhodey?"


"I um...I wonder if you could teach 'how to make a snowman?" he asked hesitantly.

"What kind of question is that?"

"Im sorry, it's ok if you didn't want to, I just, I was curious" Tony didn't understand what Rodhey meant.

"Oh Tony I didn't mean negatively, I mean I bought you here to make a snowman."

"Ohh Yea"

Rhodes taught his best friend to make a snowman, Natasha was watching this over from the balcony and clicked a few pictures to safe lock the memory.

"Omg this looks adorable" Tony was a proud little kid now.

"yup, see it wasn't hard right?" Tony fondly smiled over his first-ever made Snowman.

Then there was Steve Rogers.
Who was totally annoyed by the giggling and shouting made by the Iron friends?

"Can you both shut up? People are trying to work here!"

"Haha, No way Capsicle," Tony said.

"If you won't shut up, I'm gonna break that snow bear or whatever you have made"

"You can't" Rhodhey's mom mode got activated.

"I can" Steve lost his shit and threw a stone that went right through the snowman.

"NooOOoo"  Tony got disappointed, Steve just broke his snowman, his first-ever made snowman.

"Rogers, just get off my eyesight" Rhodey was gonna kill him but nope he did something else.

Tones got sad and sat in his cave AKA the lab.


Meanwhile, Rhodhey made a snowman that looked like Tony, or more like Iron man, with a snow made arc reactor in the chest and a sassy sunglass.

"Tony!! Get out and see what I made!"

"Coming!" he dragged up depressed ass over the floor and went outside.


"WhA- Honey baby, you are my best friend!!!!!" Tony tackled his sour patch to the ground while hugging"

"So this how Iron man looks in the snow..."

"Yep definitely, "Rhodhey said.

"This is my best Christmas over years, thank you, Rhodes."

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