Over Worked

705 27 3

Pairing: Tony x Steve x Bucky (Stuckony)
Summary: Tony, being a billionaire still had to switch in between his jobs and overwork more than his body can.
TW: nothing just mentions of fever and heart attack if that counts?


While the Avengers worked hard on missions, they were extremely lazy in between them. They would often go months between a big city disaster and they spent it staying up all day, partying all night, and eating. They loved to eat. But when you weren't employed and lived in a mansion with all of your friends, laziness was extremely tempting and easy to give in to.

Tony, though, had three jobs. He was an Avenger like the rest of them, and while their job was done after they came home from a mission- Tony's was far from it. He had to rebuild his Iron Man suit every time they came home from battle, often immediately because they never knew how soon the next threat would occur. But while he was working constantly on repairs, he was usually often recovering from the battle physically. He didn't have expert training or supersoldier serum to help him out- he was completely human, and humans get hurt. The suit would protect him from the brunt of it, but the injuries from bouncing around in a metal suit usually included a few broken ribs, a few sprains, and lots and lots of bruises.

His second job was SI. Just because Pepper was CEO doesn't mean his work was just erased. He still had to attend meetings, fill out paperwork, and actually come up with the ideas. In fact, making Pepper CEO made things worse for him because people assumed he had more time to come up with products and ideas and demanded more. When he did try to take a break for himself, his stocks dropped with investors thinking he was reverting to his old, lazy ways.

His third job was as the Avengers consultant. Fury still wanted him to do the job despite being on the team and it turned out to be the most stressful one of all three. He did more work than Fury with designing and producing Avengers weaponry, writing up debriefs, managing the finances, and handling the legal stuff Fury couldn't be bothered with.

Tony was very often stressed out but he tried not to make it obvious to his boyfriends. He still managed to hang out when they asked and go to bed with them on time. They didn't need to know that he waited until they were asleep to sneak down to the lab to work. But of course, it was inevitable they would eventually find out.

Steve and Bucky went to bed early since they were up all night previously. Tony snuggled into his large cuddly boys until 10pm when he heard snores from both sides. Like a cat, he quietly stretched over Steve, making sure to make no sounds at all. When his bare toes finally touched the carpet, he skidded out the room, rushing down to the lab.

His emails were full and he had seventeen missed calls. He scratched his tired eyes and yawned. He had lots of work to do.

He didn't even realize it was morning until he had two Avengers coming down the steps to his workshop. He was in the middle of updating Karen's code (Spider-Man's AI) while waiting for the new StarkPhone update to load when they walked in. He didn't break his eyes from the four computers around him but he knew it was Natasha and Clint from their soft, almost unnoticeable footsteps as they approached.

"Hey Wonderboy, I need a new bow, this ones too stiff," Clint said, dropping the weapon onto Tony's desk and causing a bunch of papers to scatter. Tony jumped at the sound and broke his concentration from the screen.

"And my widow bites are acting up, I need you to fix it ASAP. I have a SHIELD mission tomorrow morning," Natasha added.

Tony looked between them, the equipment, and the computer, his mind swirling. Code was still flickering in his head as he tried to comprehend what they were telling him. "You need a new bow- no Clint needs...and you. Okay, I got it, just, yeah, tomorrow," Tony stuttered.

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