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Superfamily(Stony and Spiderson)
Word count: 1424

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Peter threw himself over the couch in the avenger's tower, feeling exhausted. He has no idea what's going on with his body, he just feels tired all the time. It's been a week but it was hard to figure out.

"Mr Stark, I don't feel so good, I'm really tired" he complained. Tony was about to head to the lab but noticed Peter's sudden change in behaviour, Peter was the kid who would never complain or even sit in a place, he would keep himself engaged in any work, but now he does act weird cause he just woke.

"Peter, you just woke up."

"I know.."

"Hmm, probably some late-night patrols?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."

This was the sixth time the month after Peter complaining about his tiredness, it was strange but Tony thought it might be because he is late at night.

__Next morning__

"Peter gets up, we gotta go for a jog!"

"No Pops, I'm not coming today"

"Oh come on, you already missed this whole week!"

"I'm just feeling so tired"

"What's wrong? are you ok?" this time Steve was really concerned, just like Tony he also noticed the behaviour.

"Pfft, Pops I'm spiderman, remember?"

"Ok then spiderman, take a rest "

Steve didn't know what to do, he was kinda concerned but also not, because it happens probably he was exhausted because of school? yea that's what he thought.


Later that morning Peter forced himself to have breakfast and sat in the lab with Tony, his favourite habitat.

They started discussing suit upgrades and Tony was teaching his son 'How to use the new suit when he ran out of webs', but Peter didn't seem to be much concentrating, his eyes were staring at the empty and plain white walls as if they were talking to him.

"Peter, you listening?"


"I asked you a question, Pete. Ok, what was I talking about?"

"you told me to activate the 'Orb weaver' mode if I ran out of webs"

"That was 20 minutes ago..."

"Uhh sorry, dad I kinda slept I guess?"

"Don't be irresponsible, kid."

"I was not, okay? I was trynna pay attention!"

"Peter tell me if something is wrong!"

"Nothing dad..really it's nothing."

"Peter be honest"

"Dad, I wanna tell you but I don't know myself! I have no idea what's going on, once I feel exhausted and I feel like I've been sleeping, I don't even go on patrols but my body pains, I have a headache which is killing me..." he spat out everything in irritation.
Dad...I really have no idea what's wrong with me...Am I broken? this time it was soft.

"No baby you are all right, we'll see the doctor tomorrow, ok?"
"Peter, is that okay??"

-no response-

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