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Pairing: Pepper x Tony
Summary: Pain episodes of Arc reactor
Word count: 1442


You know, having a literal magnet for a heart may sound cool, but it definitely has its consequences. Take chronic pain as an example.

You get used to it after a while, but some days, it's pure agony. Tonight was one of those nights for Tony Stark.

He felt the pain start up around five o'clock, but he ignored it and, of course, never told anyone. It progressively worsened, and by the time he had headed to bed he could barely move.

By eight-thirty, he had already told everyone he was heading off to bed. By eight-forty-five, he was hurled up in a fetal position, huffing and puffing and trying not to scream out in pain.

He sat like that for two agonizing hours, before Pepper came up to bed. He didn't move, though he tried to control his breathing, as to not worry Pepper. She laid down next to him and kissed the top of his head.

Tony was so thankful for her. Without her, who knows what he'd be doing. Hell, without her he would most definitely be dead. He didn't want her to worry even more, with him being in so much pain.

Finally, just after one, he fell into a light sleep. His pain didn't get any better; quite the contrary, in fact. Tony wasn't asleep for long.

At one-forty-five, Tony jolted awake. He was in so much pain, oh god, he felt sick, he couldn't breathe-

Not wanting to wake Pepper up, he rolled himself off of the bed and stumbled to the washroom, making it to the toilet before he hurled.

Oh, he certainly couldn't make it back to the bed. I guess the bathroom floor will do, he thought.

At four-thirty, Pepper awoke to the sounds of gasps and wheezes. Feeling around beside her in her sleep-induced haze only to find a mound of blankets instead of her lover.

Sitting up, she saw the dim light from their ensuite, Pepper stood up from her bed and staggered over to the room. What she saw she was definitely not expecting.

A breathless lump laid on the floor, and Pepper was immediately on her knees, pulling him onto her lap.

"Tony! oh , Tony, what's wrong? How do I help you?" She was panicking now, Tony was being unresponsive. He was shaking in her arms, groaning and rasping, clutching his chest.

"JARVIS, call someone, please!" Pepper called out.

The robotic voice chimed in, "Who would you like me to call? Emergency?"

A quiet, scratchy voice interjected, "No! Don't call emergency, I need-" he interrupted himself with a hollow cough, "I don't need them hounding on me. Call Rhodey or something just, please, not emergency."

"Rhodey is not here at the moment. Shall I call Captain Rogers?"

Tony tried to interject again, but it led to coughs and dry heaves until he was shouting out in pain.

"Please, JARVIS."

"He has been notified, Mrs. Potts. Please take care of Sir for me."

Pepper nodded at the ceiling, snapping her head back to her lap after a agonizing scream and then a total cease in sound and motion.

"Oh god, what's happening!? He didn't die, did he?" Pepper yelled, checking his pulse. Yep, there was definitely a pulse.

It was around four-forty-five when Tony woke up again, this time, not even trying to hide his excruciating screams and yells. He was clawing at his chest to the point of blood running down his hands and dripping to the linoleum floor.

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