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Ship: Stony 
Song: Dancing with your ghosts.(songfic)
Summary: Steve betrays tony. (Angst)
Dedicated to beau_tiful

It was a vacation for the avengers as they had been working their asses off to protect the world.

Tony hated the vacations every year.

 Clint meets his family, Bruce and Thor would go and visit Asgard including Loki, Wanda and Pietro would go visit their homeland( i wanted Pietro to be alive in our story have fun), Bucky and Sam would go for their personal work which no one cared to ask, Vision would join the Maximoff twins as always.

 Steve doesn't go anywhere other than the tower just like Tony because neither of them had a family other than the avengers. Natasha would join them and stay at the tower.

Steve and Tony were the love birds of the tower, inseparable and loving.

But after the whole Civil war incident, Tony felt betrayed.

Betrayed by his own boyfriend.

Since the accords Tony never spoke to Steve, despite all the efforts Steve had started to argue and hate Tony more than he apologised, Steve never spoke and even looked at his eyes.

When all the other avengers went on vacation, Natasha stayed back. She wanted to be with Tony and comfort him and turn him back to the happy old Tony, where he used to make sarcastic comments on everyone, giggling and laughing. Now he was just broken and betrayed by his own boyfriend who promised him a world of happiness.

As the Tower only had 3 people and some assistance working, Steve would go into his art room and spend the day and tony would go into his human dungeon or so-called his 'lab', Nat would give him his privacy though checking on his mental health every hour without tony's notice or you could say spying but not really spying.

Whenever Tony was sad he would sing a song and release his mind, thanks to the soundproof walls of the lab. As he didn't know about nat watching him often, he would sing his heart out loud and nobody knew about it other than nat.

Today Steve didn't even see Tony.

He woke up, got refreshed, ate breakfast and went straight to his art room.

Tony sat in his lab as usual and completed his models which he prepared long back. He wanted to sing the song which was running in his head, Dancing with your ghosts.

He told Jarvis to soundproof and sang the lines:

Yelling at the sky
Screaming at the world
Baby, why'd you go away?

Nat was watching over the vents that clint actually taught her.

Holding on too tight,
Head up in the clouds,
Heaven only knows
Where you are now?

Natasha knew that he meant the song for Steve, secretly wanting him back.

How do I love
How do I love again?
How do I trust
How do I trust again?

She told Jarvis to secretly record this to show the idiot Steve how he hurt tony.

I stay up all night
Tell myself I'm alright
Baby, you're just harder to see than most
I put the record on
Wait 'til I hear our song
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Tears spilt from Tony's eyes which he was holding for long.

Never got the chance
To say a last goodbye
I gotta move on
But it hurts to try

She clearly understood that he wanted to move on but he couldn't, because how could he?

How do I love
How do I love again?
How do I trust
How do I trust again?

I stay up all night
Tell myself I'm alright
Baby, you're just harder to see than most
I put the record on
Wait 'til I hear our song
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Even nat started crying silently she wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be alright.

How do I love
How do I love again?
How do I trust
How do I trust again?

I stay up all night
Tell myself I'm alright
Baby, you're just harder to see than most
I put the record on
Wait 'til I hear our song
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost
Every night I'm dancing with your ghost

Seemed like tony was done singing, as soon as he finished he took deep breaths and bowed his head on the table in front and looked like he slept.

Natasha got down and checked on him, she went over and bent down to see Tony was actually silently sobbing and whimpering while clutching his arc reactor. 

"what's the matter Tony? are you hurt?" she asked in the softest voice she can.

"My chest hurt-s..." Quickly she realised it was because of the fight in Slovakia when Steve infused the shield into his chest.

"Is there something I can do? Where are your meds? Jarvis where is his medicine?"

"It's on the table next to the models of the suit."

 "Thanks, J"

She helped him take the meds and took him to the bedroom and told him to rest.


Days passed by like this, Tony and Nat got to know more about themselves and became best friends. He no longer felt alone but still missed Steve.

Steve gets annoyed but doesn't show it. Soon the avengers came back and shared their fun vacation stories.

Everyone had fun talking and having dinner, even Tony joined them. He started to move on from Steve because once a trust is broken, it can never be fixed back.

Tony actually loved spending his time more with his family than in the lab. Thanks to Nat.

Steve is now only his Teammate, not a boyfriend or even friend.

Just a teammate for missions


I didn't want to separate them but I wanted t write angsty tony tho, sorry if it sucked but I love nats character :')

but still Hail stOooOoOony!


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