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Pairing: Bucky x Tony
Summary: Bucky deals with Tony's Seizures.
Word count: 3465
Warning: None really but details of seizures


Tony did not like baseball, but Bucky did, so he was more than happy to go to the game with his boyfriend. In a New York Yankees t-shirt and hat, they both were very unrecognizable, which was another plus to attending the game in Tony's book.

An hour in, however, Tony was not so happy with his decision to attend. He was getting insanely hot under the heat of the sun and didn't know where the food stand was since Bucky had been the one to get their food and drinks earlier and didn't want to get lost in the huge stadium.

Tony took off his hat to fan himself. "How long is the game, Buck?" He asked his boyfriend, who was staring intensely at the field.

Bucky hummed in thought, "Most games are typically 2 to 3 hours." Tony's eyes widened but he held in a groan. "Why, bored already?" Bucky smirked and put his arm around Tony.

Tony sighed, leaning his head on Bucky's shoulder. "No, I just don't feel too good."

"It's probably because it's so hot out." Bucky took the hat from Tony's hand and put it back on his head. He then took his own off to fan Tony.

"Thanks, baby," Tony muttered, closing his eyes a bit. His head was starting to pound and the sweat had his shirt clinging to his skin uncomfortably.

Bucky kept rubbing his arm and Tony used it to ground him as his headache slowly tried to turn into a migraine. When Tony felt that familiar feeling of floating, he sat up suddenly, reaching in his bag for his medicine. He pulled out the bottle but his hands were shaking too much to open the cap. "B-Bucky?" Tony whispered, his head hurting too much to raise his voice any higher.

Bucky looked over but couldn't hear Tony over the shouting of the game. Tony lifted his hand gesturing to the bottle so he took it from his shaking boyfriend. "Everything okay, doll?" He asked, concerned.

Tony shook his head, leaning back onto Bucky. Bucky could feel the worry swirling in his stomach, but he focused on the pill bottle. When Tony didn't respond after he opened it, he rubbed a light finger onto Tony's lip to get him to open up.

Tony swallowed the pill, opening his eyes in narrow slits and looked around confused as if he wasn't completely sure of where he was. Bucky grew more concerned and pulled Tony closer. "Water?" Tony rasped.

Bucky leaned forward to grab the cup from the holder and brought the straw between Tony's lips. Bucky frowned when half of Tony's face seemed to sag, unmoving. The moving half of Tony's lips grasped awkwardly at the straw. When Bucky noticed Tony's eye twitching he understood what was happening.

Bucky put the cup back in the cupholder and put the chips that sat on his lap onto the ground. He pulled his boyfriend closer and tried to make him as comfortable as possible in the small stadium seats. He could no longer focus on the game, and instead focused on Tony's eyes that were growing glassier by the second.

"Bu'y," Tony slurred, sitting up.

Bucky helped lower him back down onto his shoulder. "I'm right here, doll. You're okay."

Tony's eyes closed and his jaw started clicking. Bucky moved a piece of hair from his face and tucked it back under his hat. "Breathe, baby."

Suddenly, Tony turned his face into Bucky's chest and his body tensed. Bucky held his watch out, watching the time as Tony seized. His whole face was active- eyes blinking, nose scrunching, and mouth twisting. His neck twitched, the veins visible, and his hand beat weakly against Bucky's chest. "Relax, doll," Bucky repeated.

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