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Pairing: Bucky x Tony
Prompt: " Can you do one shot where they show how avengers deal with Tony's ADHD?"
Summary: Bucky deals with Tony, who has ADHD

Bucky squeezed Tony's hand, seeing the genius begin to open his mouth. When his boyfriend looked over at him, he gestured subtly to Steve who was in the middle of a story. Bucky watched Tony deflate and start to play with the food on his plate.

Tony hated team dinners, thus he tried to avoid them as much as he could- and Bucky couldn't blame him. Having ADHD made life incredibly hard for Tony, more than people could even assume. His mind was constantly moving and while it was what made him so smart, 70% of the time it was a curse more than a benefit.

The speed of Tony's thoughts varied, but sometimes his brain would be so busy he could barely finish his sentence before moving onto a new thought. It meant he was easily distracted, forgetful, and would often misplace things. It was very overwhelming and he often got migraines from it all.

While his personality made it pretty obvious he had this disorder, he was sure some on the team didn't know or just didn't care. This is why team dinners were so frustrating.

Tony was easily bored so it was hard to listen to one person talk before drifting off, then he would forget that person was in the middle of talking and start talking about his own thing. They called him selfish and rude, but he genuinely didn't mean it.

He also got really fidgety the longer he was forced to sit. Bucky advised him that he should stay until at least three-quarters of the table had finished their food so that no one would think him rude for leaving early. But having a small appetite ensured he was usually the first one done and therefore had to sit and silently will his teammates to eat faster so he could continue with his next task.

Bucky watched with a close eye as Tony's eyes glazed over as he retreated into his head, his eyes still flickering as his thoughts moved quickly. It only took a few seconds before the man's eyes suddenly cleared and his head shot up, intending to talk again. Bucky squeezed his leg and gestured again to Steve who was nearing the end of the story. Tony shifted in his chair frustratedly and scratched at the table.

Although Bucky's mind moved at a slower pace, he could easily understand how frustrating it was for Tony. Despite the bad parts, he enjoyed going down to the lab and watching Tony in his element, fluttering around and rambling nonsense he couldn't keep up with.

But it was sad knowing not everyone understood how Tony's brain worked and did not take the chance to even try to.

Once, Bucky came inside from his morning run to see Pepper standing above Tony, sitting tensely on the couch. Pepper was practically screaming at him about the meetings he missed and the insanely long to-do list he had yet to start on.

Bucky, fully aware of why Tony was sitting on the couch not working, rushed over to tell Pepper to back off. Pepper glared, but she left, already on the phone with her PA to reschedule Tony's meetings he had missed.

Tony was curled into himself, shaking slightly, so Bucky sat next to him pulling him into his arms. Not only was Tony overwhelmed at all the stuff he had to do today, but he also had a package that was expected to arrive at 3:15 pm. Bucky was the only one who understood that until his package came, his brain shut down, refusing to do any task just like an overheated computer. It was some sort of ADHD paralysis, and Tony hated it.

But instead of stressing over it, Bucky turned on a movie and tried to distract Tony from his crippling thoughts on all the things he had to do. At 3:15 pm he watched amused as Tony ran to the door to get his package before racing off to the workshop.

Bucky remembered one of the first times he was face to face with Tony's ADHD. He had woken up early one day and decided to make his way to the kitchen, intending to start on breakfast. When he reached the common kitchen, he was forced to freeze in shock at the large mess. Tony sat in the middle of it, washing off a spoon. "Oh hey, Buckeroo."

Bucky slowly approached. "Hey baby, what's- what's going on?"

Tony blinked and then slowly looked around, as if only just noticing the mess. "Oh, well I wanted to make breakfast."


"So I went to get a pan, but then I realized the pain was still in the dishwasher from yesterday."

Bucky frowned, "Okay?"

"So then I opened the dishwasher to get the pan and then I noticed my favourite mug was in there so I pulled it out, but noticed it was still a bit dirty."

Bucky slowly nodded, his eyes squinted in confusion.

"So I went to wash it but I ended up chipping it on the sink. So I went down to my workshop to get my tool kit and I brought it up here. Then I opened it and was looking for a hot glue gun, but then inside I saw my wrench and remembered the kitchen drawer needed to be fixed when Thor broke it the other day. So I started fixing the drawer, but as I was fixing it, I was distracted by a bird hitting the window outside and everything inside the drawer fell to the floor. As I started picking up the stuff that fell, I slipped and hit the ground. When I was on the ground, I was able to see under the counter and saw an old spoon that had fallen under there, so I grabbed it and started washing it- and then you walked in."

They stared at each other for several moments before Bucky blinked, "Okay."


"Okay. I'll get started on breakfast while you finish washing your spoon." Tony stared wide-eyed as Bucky put on an apron and reached for the pan, totally unfazed. A smile overtook his face and he knew at that moment that he wanted to marry the man.

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