Sleep Paralysis

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Summary: Tony's past memories affect him during his sleep.
Pairing: Clint x Tony
A/N- I don't know much about sleep paralysis so if there is something wrong please feel free to correct me.

Clint jumped at the loud noise of the alarm going off. He rolled over and shoved his face into the pillow. A few seconds later, he noticed the lack of movement on his other side. "Tonnyyyy," he groaned. "Turn it offffffff." Clint frowned at the quietness behind him.

Clint shifted the covers, turning over to see why his boyfriend was still sleeping. "Tony?" He asked, concerned when the genius didn't move. Tony was facing away from him so Clint got out of the bed and moved to the other side.

Clint was not prepared to see Tony staring at the wall with wide eyes and his mouth parted, silently choking. "Tony!" Clint shouted. "What's happening, baby?"

Tony's body didn't move. He laid limp, staring into the corner of the room. Clint followed his gaze but saw empty space.

Tony, on the other hand, stared in fright as Obie glared at him, holding the sonic taser tight in his hand. His body was held frozen under the device's control and he was forced to stare into Obie's smirking face, motionless.

Clint was panicking, unsure what to do. He wasn't sure if Tony was in the midst of a nightmare because he seemed unresponsive but his eyes were open. Clint was adverse to touching him because Tony always had violent reactions when awoken from a nightmare.

"Tony, listen to me, baby. You need to take a deep breath okay? Breathe in and out. Expand your chest, then let out the air slowly," Clint instructed loudly.

At first, Tony showed no acknowledgement that he heard Clint. It took several moments where Tony's face was turning blue until the man started reacting to Clint's words. Shakily, he let out his breath and tried to expand and contract his chest. His breaths were more like gasps, but Clint was relieved to see his chest move slightly with air.

Even with this new progress, Tony's eyes did not stray from the corner of the room. His body trembled unconsciously but besides that, Tony didn't so much as twitch his fingers. Clint was confused but also scared. "J-Jarvis? Can you get Bruce please?"

"Of course, Mr. Barton," Jarvis said. "Besides a slightly elevated heart rate, sir's vitals are stable," he added.

"I don't know what's wrong with him then," Clint sighed, rubbing hands through his hair.

Tony vaguely heard the door open but he couldn't remove his eyes from Obadiah's snarl. There was nothing he could do besides stare at the little device in Obie's hand and hope someone, anyone would stop the man.

"-ony?" Tony's heart rate picked up as a hand landed on his shoulder and a voice broke through the fog in his mind. "Tony?"

The voice became clearer, but Tony was afraid to break away from Obie. Suddenly, Bruce appeared in his field of vision. "Tony, can you hear me?"

Tony's eyes widened slightly and Bruce took that as a good sign. Bruce rubbed the genius' shoulder gently. "Do you feel me, Tones?" Tony didn't respond but the scientist noticed his eyes shifting around the room, looking for something. "Clint?" Bruce said as gestured the man forward.

Clint stepped in front of Tony and finally the man's eyes focused on him. "Hey, baby." Clint watched Tony cling to his face like a life-line.

"I think it's sleep paralysis," Bruce said to him softly.

Clint nodded in realization. "Listen to me, baby. Try to move your fingers." Tony's eyes flickered to the wall behind them incredulously. "You can do it, Tones."

Tony's breathing picked up slightly but after a few seconds, they saw his fingers start to twitch. The genius' eyes widened in surprise. They again flickered to the wall behind them in confusion before landing back on Clint. "Good job, baby, now try your toes."

Slowly, Tony gained control over his body and the first thing he did was launch himself into Clint's arms, crying. "You're okay, you're okay," Clint soothed. Bruce rubbed Tony's shoulder in support.

"Was so scary," Tony cried and Clint hugged him tighter.

"I know, but you're okay. I'm right here and i'm not going to let anything hurt you."

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