Love you 3000

607 18 1

Song: Single Father(songfic)
Ship: Irondad and Spiderson
Summary: After Aunt May's death, Peter was Tony's responsibility, as he is just a 3-year-old kid who doesn't know what death is.
Word count: 805
Warning: Just a sad Irondad.
Dedicated to Trash_panda1940

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Time: 03:23


"Hey Pete, why are you up at this time? Another nightmare?" Peter came running into Tony's lab."

"Yea...can I sleep with you today?"

"Umm, okay" Tony didn't want to say no as he actually couldn't sleep himself because of the nightmares.

Tony sat on the couch with little Peter's face facing towards the glowing arc reactor. The windows wide open, as moonlight is the only source of light. That's the way he sleeps, his face burying in his dad's chest, but as soon as they got comfortable, he fell asleep really quick.

Tony was awake while hearing Peter's light snores.

"Jarvis, play any random radio station, lower the volume" he whispered.

"On it sir," Jarvis said in the lowest voice possible.

Radio: "On to the next song we have a really sad one, so get some tissues ready"

He wondered what song it could be, as he didn't want anything to give him anxiety now.

The song started:
Lately, I've Been Spending Lots Of Time With My Kid
Tellin Him Stories
About The Things That We Did

Those lines just reminded him of how tony and Peter spent every day giggling and adoring Peter's cuteness.

When We Were A Family
Long Time Ago

He really wished Pepper was here, with him, as his partner. To watch peter's adorable action, to lift him play with him until he sleeps, calm down his nightmares...

I've Answered His Questions
Till Im Blue In The Face
Wish All That Hurt In Him
I Could Erase

This part hurt Tony the most, he doesn't know whether to tell Peter the truth or lie to him whenever he asks about his Aunt. He really wished that Peter didn't have to lose his loved ones.

But I Tell Him The Truth
Cause He Aint Too Young To Know

Actually, he was, Peter was too young to know anything related to death, he is just too young. As per him, Aunt May is on a vacation ( permanently to heaven)

Single Father
Part-Time Mother
When Im Not One
Then Im The Other

Yes, this is what Tony didn't like, he wanted Peter to have both: A mom and dad, or at least a mother and father figure. What will happen if something happens to him while on superhero life? 

You Used To Be
My Full-Time Lover
Now Im A Single Father
And A Part Time Mother

Pepper, the person who took care of Tony, just like he is taking care of Peter.

I Spend Every Minute
I Can With My Boy
There's No Doubt About It
He's My Pride And Joy

Peter is the most amazing child anyone can ever have. A too young and innocent mind, smart brilliant paced mind, adorable and keen learner, how could God take away his family just like that?

Someday He Will Grow Up
And I won't Have Him No More
Some Things I Just Find
Too Hard To Explain

This...was tony's biggest fear...
Losing Peter...that day would be only after his death.

So We Go To Mcdonalds
Or I Buy Him A Train
And We Go Put It Together
On The Living Room Floor

"Dad can we have some cheeese burwers??
"Yupp baby, we can have some 'cheese burgers'!"
"Dad you know what? I wove you 3000 times!"
"and why 3000, baby?"
"Cos that's the biggestttt numbew!!"
The memory fondly ran over his mind, it's only been a year with Peter but felt like his own son.

Such Is The Life
Of A Single Father
He Says Daddy Explain
If It's Not Too Much Bother
While It's Just You And Me

Tony has many fears. One of them is Peter asking about his mother figure or the other part of the family. what will he tell, when Peter asks about them?

Living Here In This Home
I Don't Understand It
And Neither Does He
Why There's Just Two
When There Should Be Three Of Us
Sharing This Moment
Lord, I Feel So Alone

He felt alone, but peter never allowed him to feel that way, because he is a serotonin booster.

The song was finished and ads started playing so he told Jarvis to switch it off and carried Peter to his room.

He laid Peter on his Iron man themed bed and kissed him goodnight.

" I love you 3000 my Bambi."

"Hmm, but I wove you 8000..." that's the new biggest number Peter learned.

"You are awake??"

"Noo, Im sleepwing...see my eyes are closed?"

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