Chapter 03 | Bonfire Night

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After eating dinner, everyone made their way outside to lit the bonfire up, that would be welcoming the new green bean, and to end the rest of the hardworking day.

Cassandra stood there beside a cheering Chuck, as she watch the guys light off the torch and threw them on the bonfire. Everyone applauded and whistled wildly as the flames erupted.

The whole glade was ecstatic for the night, someone jumping around, others drinking whilst joking about, everyone click their glasses of drinks together and taking a swig of it.

Cassandra took a sip of her drink and crinkled her nose at the taste, she still wasn't used to it. She glance around to the other gladers having fun, she saw Gally and the guys were having a circle duel on the side, Newt chatting away with Alby and Minho whilst sitting around the bonfire, Chuck laughing along as he jokes with the others.

Cassandra smiled to herself. This felt comforting to her. It was like her home. Not the place, but the guys. She felt home in them.

Sighing, she glance around seeing smiling faces. Her eyes landed on a lonely figure, leaning over a branch, looking over the huge doors of the maze.

Cassandra decided to accompany the new green bean tonight. He seemed lost. As she approach and sat next to him. He barely registers her presence, as he continued to look away.

"How's your first day, greenie?" Cassandra asked, after moments of silence. She hands him a stick of roasted meat and he took it.

He only nodded in response.

"Here.." she gave him a drink. The guy looks at in confusion then back at her with furrowed eyebrows.

Cassandra beckoned him to drink and he did so, but he immediately spit the drink out. She laughed at the mortified face he made.

"What is this?" he gagged, handing the drink back to her. Cassandra laughed as she placed it down the ground.

"I have no idea." she grinned, "It's Gally's recipe. It was for good reasons he wasn't assigned on the kitchens." she exclaimed and he sticks out his tongue in disgust.

They looked back at Gally who was dueling another glader. Cassandra caught a sight, in the corner of her eyes, Newt looking over at them with a firm look. His eyes fixed on them. She cleared her throat and turned back.

"Yeah, but he's still an asshole." the guy exclaimed and Cassandra laughed.

"Don't be so harsh, he saved your life today.." she said.

"In what way did he even do it?" the greenie stubbornly huffed.

"Trust me. The maze is a dangerous place." Cassandra muttered looking intently at those closed doors.

"We're trapped in here, aren't we?" he asked and she frowned. Not because he ruined the mood, but because he speaks truth. Cassandra have thought of it for the several months she's been here, when she became one of the strategist and helped Minho complete to map the whole maze, she felt as if there was no hope whenever they finished with a dead end.

She was always expecting for good news, everytime the runners returns. But there's nothing new that came.

Don't get her wrong, she loved it here, she's fond of the guys. But this wasn't her home. The glade was an amazing place with amazing peoples but this simply wasn't her home. Beyond this huge walls, she could discover a much more better life.

The only thing that comforts her inside the glade was the gladers.

Cassandra wanted to know if she has a family out here, friends she had before she was brought in here, life she had lost the moment she arrived in here. She wants to explore and see what's out this big walls that hindered her.

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