Chapter 13 | Confession

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Newt paced around beneath their tree beside the lake. So many thoughts swimming around his mind as the moon showered over him with a dim light.

He was walking in circles, trying to calm the uneasiness inside him. It was as if his heart was being tug down as his stomach sunk.

He felt completely mortified.

His feelings were scattering all over the place, his thoughts going deeper each seconds that passes by.

Newt was distress. With all these emotions he's currently feeling right now.

It was almost possessive.

Frustration, anger, jealousy, and sadness were all boiling inside him. All of these were combining and it was getting stressful.

Newt had recently come to realize just what Cassie meant for him, and now she goes kissing someone else.

The thought about what just happened made him pause, and it shatters his heart.

Someone place a hand on his shoulder from behind him and he abruptly turned around in alarm.

"Whoa... What's up with you?"

Newt calmed himself down when he saw it was only Alby.

"Nothing." Newt breathed heavily.

But Alby wasn't having any of that as he sat both of them down the ground.

"Calm down, alright?"

Newt did what he's told and controlled his breathing, until it finally eased. But the sting in his heart didn't.

"Now, tell me what's up?" Alby questioned and he sighed.

"I don't know anymore, Alby.." he groaned and put his hands on his head, feeling the ache suppress.

"Is this about Cassie?"

Newt turned to him so fast, he might've gotten a whiplash.

"W-what?" he spluttered out.

"Come on, Newt. I'm not a fool." Alby grinned and continued, "I see the way you look at her, I've caught on your overprotectiveness towards her. And I can see how jealous you are whenever you see her and Thomas together."

Newt breathed out in shock, turning away as he glance on his feet.

"Is it - Is it that obvious?" he asked and Alby chuckled, patting the sandy blonde boy on the back.

"Too obvious, Newt. So, are you ready to admit what you're really feeling about her?"

Newt bit his lip and looked down. He place his hands on his head, realization dawning unto him.

"Bloody hell, I shucking love her!" Newt threw his head back and groaned as Alby laughed at him.

"Took you long enough." the dark skinned guy smirked.

Newt covered his face with his arms and peek out an eye to watch the moon on the sky.

"...I don't think she likes me that way, Alby." he murmured and the guy turned to him.

"What? Why'd you think that?" Alby asked confused, "She likes you, man. You probably haven't notice it yet, but I could practically see how she gaze at you from afar." Alby added.

Newt stubbornly shake his head.

"She likes Thomas." Newt said bitterly.

Alby raised a brow.

"You're blinded by jealousy, Newt. That emotion is driving you to believe delusional things, you ought to read beyond the atmosphere."

"What? You know something?" Newt asked him.

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