Chapter 08 | Feelings Grow

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It was in the afternoon, when Minho arrived and Cassandra him, and Alby went to the Map Room to discuss about the plan. They walked in through the forest, until they reached a small hut.

No one was pretty much allowed at the Map Room. Only a few.

Once the door shut, Minho pulled the covers off their mapped maze. They stood about, looking down at the well crafted maze. They had finished mapping it, Minho had ran each and every corner of it, but still no exit.

"Any news?" Alby asked, turning expectantly to the Asian guy.

Minho nodded and they listened intently.

"We found a dead griever today.." Minho stated, and their ears perked up.

"We didn't have time to investigate because we knew the doors would be closing at any given minute. But it was there." Minho explained.

"Are you sure it's dead?" Alby furrowed his brows.

"We're not sure, but it was pretty still. It didn't move so we think it's dead. The other runner is pretty shaken by it, so I don't think he's willing to go in again" Minho stated.

"We still need to search the griever though, the maze would probably move it once it changes." the Asian guy added.

"Right." Cassandra started, "Alby will be running with you tomorrow."

"What?" Minho looks surprise by the news.

"Don't worry, Minho. I won't let you down." Alby chuckled, patting the guy on the back. Knowing there's nothing he could do, Minho sighed.



Cassandra sat on the tree house, her legs hanging down as she sat on the edge of it. She was munching a carrot, as she gaze around the glade. It was one of the things that calms her. She would climb up the tree house, sat on edge and just take in her surroundings.

She's not sure, but she felt like everytime she does it. It felt familiar.

Cassie suspects it's a memory from the past, before she came here. And that motivated her more to find a way out of here and discover the life that lies outside this walls.


Cassandra looked down, to see Newt looking up at her with an amuse grin.

"What do you think you're doing there?" he yelled, and she grinned back.

"Having the time of my life!" she chimed and she could hear Newt chuckled.

Cassandra heard someone climbing up the ladder and she tilted her head to the side, and saw Newt poking his head up then finally climbing up and seating next to her. Their legs hang on the edge, as they held the railing for support.

The atmosphere was silent, all that they could hear was the rustling of wind and the gladers working on the distance, and Cassie's occasional chewing on the carrot.

"I'm convinced you'll turn into a rabbit the more you eat that." Newt spoke up, smiling sheepishly at her and she snorted.

"That wouldn't be too bad."

Newt chuckled and glance down.

"How did the search go?" he asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." she shrugged, "It's frustrating because we can't reason out why Ben got stung in the middle of the day!" she threw her hands up exasperatedly. Cassandra let out a deep breathe and dropped her arms down.

"Hey, listen Cass... I'm sorry about earlier. I don't think you're weak, in fact, you're strong and smart and a lot of times.... stubbornly brave."

Cassandra suppressed a smile that she tried to hide with her hair.

"I just — I don't want you to be hurt, or injured. I don't want to see you in pain or in danger. I care for you so much, Cass you don't even understand it." Newt ranted in one breathe that he began panting for air once he finished.

And I like you.

He could say that. But he didn't. Newt couldn't say it, not this time. Let the words float.

Cassandra looks over at him. Green eyes connected with soft brown ones.

"I'm sorry too." she glance down, breaking the eye contact, "I shouldn't have been mad at you for looking after me."

"So we're friends again?" Newt smiled cheekily and she laughed, bumping their shoulders lightly in a playful manner.

"We're already friends, dummy."

Newt chuckled and pulled her closer by the shoulder. Cassie lets him, and rested her head on his shoulder.

It was at that moment, she felt his chest vibrates as he breathes, his soft calloused hands rested on her shoulder, and his presence, when she realized. Newt meant much more to her than anyone has ever.

And that very moment. What Cassie was feeling wasn't only attraction, she realized, all these months her feelings for him grew.

At first, when Cassandra befriended Newt. It was because she was fascinated by him, by his witty word, and his humorous jokes. She was fascinated with his amazing personality, she concluded.

But all these past months, staring at him from afar, watching his every move, thinking about him makes her heart throb. And soon, that fascination turned into admiration.

And that admiration turns into adoration.

Now, she finally realized. Feelings grew fast, when you see the best of that person. The more you get to know someone, the more the feelings grow.

It was at that moment she knew, his touch, his breathe, his sandy blonde hair, his soft brown eyes, and the warmth of his body against her...

The comfort he gave her wasn't simply admiration.

What she felt for him weren't a shift in the heart like a wind that brush past us. It was more meaningful than that. Because she wants it to last.

She wants to memorize his touch. Remember his warmth, get used to his trickling breathes. She wants him to stay forever in her life.

When one realizes that, then it's clear.

Shucks. . .

She loves him.


author's note:

hiiiii, how did you like this chapter? any thoughts?

i think people says 'i love you' too easily without knowing the real meaning that lies beyond it. Love is different from attraction.

For me, love means you're willing to spend the rest of your life with them, you're committed with them. If people confuse their attraction for love, then it wouldn't be a surprise if their relationship ended too fast.

But that's just my opinion! im not some sort of love expert.

A lot of guys (that i don't even know irl) text me i love you's and they don't even know the person!! I think Cassie realizing she loves Newt is just right, seeing as she's known him and had spent a lot of time with him.

because of that, she fell for him! <333

pls vote on it♡

stay kind,

pearlyy xx

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