Chapter 09 | A Little Practice

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The next day, Cassandra woke up much earlier than she used to, in order to see Minho and Alby off the maze. After they went out, intending to search for the dead griever.

She walked towards the Kitchens, wanting to satisfy her empty stomach. When she arrived in, a few of the guys who woke a little early were already sat around the table.

One of them being Gally, Newt, Chuck and Thomas. Cassandra greeted them and a chorus of good morning rang back. She smiled as she sat down beside Newt.

"Alby said you need to plan on the Map Room today, I heard they found a dead griever yesterday." Gally stated from across her, and everyone's head snap to him then at Cassandra, the information obviously new for them.

"Yeah.." she sighed, "They still need to search for it, though, since the maze changes, they must've drag the griever somewhere else." she explained.

"Do you think that griever could give us a clue or something like that?" Clint asked.

"I hope so.." she murmured, sipping on her drink.

"I'm sure they'll find something." Newt reassured, and she smiled at him.

After they finished breakfast, they quickly started to get on with their works. Cassandra and Newt separated as Newt went over the Gardens and Cassandra went over the lake to fetch some waters. She carried already two buckets of water to the kitchen when Newt called from the gardens.

"Hey, Cass! Can we get a bucket here? We need to water some plants!" Newt yelled and she smiled brightly, happy she could be of help.

"On it!" she shouted back and Newt grinned.

Cassandra fetch a bucket of water, and carried it towards the gardens. Newt smiled at her gratefully, and she exhaled out, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, someone's feeling like a main character." Newt teased as he watered the plants and she giggled.

"I need to head to the Map Room, I still have a lot to plan." she announced and Newt nodded, looking at her.

"Do you want me to walk you there?"

Cassandra shake her head with a smile.

"It's okay, it's not like I'm gonna trip over a rock and hurt my ankle.." she joked and Newt turned serious.

"Now if you put in like that..."

Cassandra hit him in the arm and he laughed.

"I was just kidding. I'll see you later?"

"See you." Newt nodded.

She smiled and took off, humming softly. Newt watched her go and chuckled to himself. He shake his head and went back to work.

Cassandra walked further through the forest, pushing away tree branches that comes in contact with her face. The sunlight rays shot through the trees, overshadowing the shades of the forest.

She was about to jumped over the small lake when her feet hit a rock and she slipped. Her foot twisted over and she fell on the waters in the lake. The impact of her twisted bones in the ankle caused her to let out a pained cry.

"Oh, come on!" Cassandra cursed under her breathe, because this is exactly what she had told Newt won't happen.

And yet it did.

The gladers who heard her cry coming from the forest looked alarmed. They looked at one another and made a ran for it, expecting the danger.

Newt ran into the forest, worried what might have happen.

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