Chapter 07 | Our Moment

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The gladers had dinner that night, and after that, everyone decided to warm up by the fire before going to bed. Cassandra sat by the fire, joining the others. Newt and Alby was talking across her, probably deciding who would replace Ben as a runner.

Cassandra glanced at them and it seems like they are in a heated debate so she didn't want to bother their talk.

She sat there with a tired sigh.

Suddenly, someone flopped down beside her and she tilted her head to see Thomas, his face blank and numb as he watch the fire.

"You alright, Tommy?" she waved her hand in front of his daze face, and Thomas snapped out of it.

"Yeah.." he murmured, looking down.

"Go on, voice it out. What is it?" she asked and Thomas lifted his head to her.

"Does that frequently happens?" Thomas questioned.

Cassandra's gaze dropped down, then she trailed her eyes over the burning bonfire.

"Not often, but it still does." she answered, not looking away from the flames. Her green eyes reflected warm golden at the fire.

"Is that always what happens to them? Is there no cure or something like that?" Thomas ask frustratingly.

Cassandra shake her head.

"There must be a cure, but we don't have it. Plus, if we don't get rid of him, he's going to become danger to the other gladers and us. He's changing, Thomas. He's not in the right mind and he's dangerous." she explained slowly, as she glance back at him.

"Do you think he's going to survive out there?" Thomas asked, looking at the maze doors.

"Even if Ben is a runner, no one survives a night in the maze." she shrugged.

Thomas stayed silent.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm curious about what's in the maze.." the dark haired guy murmured and she snorted.

"Besides huge changing walls and maniac eating grievers?" she muttered sarcastically and Thomas grinned in amusement.

"I'm curious and at the same time.... scared." he trailed off.

"Well, that's an odd combination." she leaned back and Thomas chuckled, also copying her actions and leaning back.

"You know, I think you're the only person here who I'd consider a friend, and maybe Chuck and Alby. I don't think the others likes me very much. And you're a girl!" Thomas laughed.

"I'm offended." Cassandra feigned a hurt expression that didn't go well with her grin.

"The guys are just used to it, having a new member every month is becoming a cycle that they don't care anymore. Newt talks to you, I'm sure you'll consider him a friend. And Gally, well, Gally doesn't like anyone, so he's out of the picture." Cassandra smirked.

"I don't think Newt likes me very much. I hang out with you." Thomas said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"He's jealous, Cassie. Of me hanging out with you: the love of his life." Thomas pointed out and she straightened up, her eyes wide.

"He is not." she exclaimed exasperatedly, "And I'm not the love of his life." she added, and Thomas raised an eyebrow at her, resting his arms behind his head, calmly stating...

"He's looking at us right now, Cass."

Cassandra whipped her head so fast, you might think she got a whiplash. And true enough, Newt was gazing at them with firm eyes.

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