Chapter 14 | Unspoken Words Speaks

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That evening, the dinner table was full of cheers and congratulatory for both of them. The gladers patted them on the back, telling them 'took you ages to realize that' and 'finally!'.

Cassandra didn't know a lot of the gladers were very supportive of them until now. At least she knew some of them were always in for juicy informations.

Alby hosted a bonfire to celebrate and everyone laughed around as they held cups of drinks in hand.

Cassie was able to escape from the little dueling game the guys were playing as she approaches Alby and Minho.

"Hey guys..."

"Hey, Cass." they chorused back with huge grins.

"Congrats on finally realizing the obvious." Minho exclaimed and she rolled her eyes but chuckled afterwards.

"Anyways, I was on the Map Room this afternoon, and I may have some theory on where the maze has taken the dead griever." she informed and they straightened up.

"We were running in the same direction I had seen it before but it wasn't there anymore." Minho stated.

"Right, it must have been move. I say, you lads try to search on the left side corridor in the maze. I've calculated it, I just hope it's right." she explained and they nodded.

"We'll try." Alby sighed.

Cassie smiled sympathetically at them and pat both of them on the back.

"Come on, let's enjoy the rest of the night."


Cassandra approached Newt and sat beside him, as he laughed along, as the other gladers play spin the bottle.

Newt turned to her and his grin brightened.

"Hey, Cass.." he said, placing an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey Newt.." she could trace the faint blush rising on her cheeks, but ignored it as she watched the game.

"What're you guys playing about?" she asked. Newt turned to the other guys that were playing.

"Whoever gets pointed at, gets a truth or dare." he explained and she raise an eyebrow.

She's actually living with ten years old. But nonetheless, she watched intently as Clint spun the bottle and slowly came to stop, pointing at someone.

They all looked at the person. Thomas.

Thomas looked confused and started backing away but Frypan pulled him back.

"Oi, don't run away now mate!"

"Truth or dare?"

Thomas looks troubled as he furrowed his brows, contemplating before eventually saying out loud...


"Right, whose got some truth for our man right here?"

"Did you ever piss on your hammock?"

"What? No!"

Everyone laughed as Thomas looked away, quite offended someone would ask him that.

Jeff spun the bottle and soon it slowly came to a stop and pointed directly at Cassie. Everyone lift their heads to her with huge grins.

Cassandra looks at them in horror.

"What? I'm not even playing!" she argued, Newt from beside her looks amused.

"Come on Cassie! Don't be a kill joy!"

"Play the game!"

"Just join the fun!"

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