Chapter 04 | Odd Felt Bitterness

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Cassandra woke up that morning with a sore back, her sleeping position being the main reason of it, her back was arch and her neck was tilted. Now she incredibly regretted sleeping like that.

As she slip on her clothes, she walk out her cozy room to the kitchens for breakfast, she needed to see Minho and the other runners out, so she always wake up earlier than the others.

She entered the kitchens and see Frypan humming as he cooks, she greeted him a morning, and take a seat, feeling her back ache. She grumbled again but gratefully ate the soup, Frypan provided her.

As she walked out the kitchen, she stretched her muscles up and flexibly threw her arm around. Minho and the other runners arrived at the kitchen.

"Morning, Cass." Minho greeted as they entered the kitchen.

"Morning, Minho." she chirped "Morning guys." she exclaimed to the others, and a chorus of good mornings rang.

When the runners finished their breakfast, they went towards the huge maze doors, with Cassie seeing them off.

She placed a bag of sandwich and a water bottle in each of the runners bags, before giving them encouraging pats on the back.

"Right." she exclaimed, "Good luck, guys. Stay safe." she said and they nodded at her. The huge doors opened and they run inside, as Cassandra watched them go.

When they disappeared on the corner she let out a sigh, and looked to her side. She saw Alby talking to Thomas, it seems like it was his time to put his name on the wall.

She smiled and approached them.

"Morning, guys." she greeted and they looked at her.

"Morning Cass." Alby replied, looking over the doors, "Did you see them off?" he asks and she nodded.

"See what off?" Thomas asked.

"The runners." she waved off, "Go on, carve your name, this wall gets one every month." she grinned.

Thomas looked at her then at Alby, who nodded at him. Thomas lifted the blade and put his name unto the concrete wall.

When he finished, Alby pat him on the back and walk off.

"Where's yours?" Thomas ask her.

She smiled and trailed her fingers unto her carved name, it was placed beside Newt's name. At first when she and Newt were still on glaring phase, she thought about messing up Newt's name, but soon she decided against it, and put her name beside him instead.

"Here..." she pointed at the carved name of 'Cassandra', written delicately with a knife.

"When I first came here, me and Newt glares at each other a lot." she said with a nostalgic chuckle, "I punched him when I first arrived from the box." she stated.

"Oh, so he was the one Alby was talking about you throwing a blow when you first came in here." Thomas exclaimed.

"Yep, that was him." she laughed, her eyes darting back to focus on her name beside Newt's.

"It was a wonder how we became what we are now.." she breathe, her fingers trailing to Newt's name now.

Thomas looked at her, she was wearing some kind of expression that he couldn't point out. A mixture of something dazed, yearning, and adoration.

Cassie looked soft, as her eyes stayed firmly on Newt's name, as if imagining those four simple letters as the person.

Thomas studied her and found a flash in her forest green eyes, there was some kind of galaxy in there, the smile that grace her lips wasn't her usual one, it was a soft one.

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