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" Some women are meant to wear the crown. I was born to wield the sword. "~ SooA

For SooA in her hyped-up state, everything seemed to be rushing at her: cars, buses, cabs, pedestrians. Even her blood was whooshing through her veins. the city seemed incredibly noisy- the pulse and beat of traffic, the melange of sight and sound. Making her way towards Yonsei University. With a poor family background, it was quite impossible for her to get admission. but with her hard work and sheer determination, she successfully got a scholarship that would pay for all of her living expenses. Getting glares from her bullies on her way to the entrance, who knew that something unexplainable was going to happen that will change her life completely.

" My soul is plagued by an aching loneliness that does not come from being alone but from the people around me "~ Lia

"I often wonder where I would be now, daddy if you had raised me with as much zest as you raised your whiskey glass and your voice and your fist," said a lost Lia.

A loud slapping sound was heard across the hallway of The Choi's mansion. 

" You're such a disgrace to the family leave now! " Mother said loathly. An unexplainable hatred can be seen in her eyes towards her smallest daughter.

Leaving the room with a heavy heart, Lia made her way towards her car. 

" When I hear the word love I think of my mother molding her happiness into the shape of my father's hand even though his hands only knew how to paint her black and blue. "~ Juyeon

" You ask me to explain myself, how I'm sure this fever in my brain is not imaginary. but it is the same as questioning the authenticity of the marrow in my bones, the blood in my veins, and the life in my body " said Juyeon gritting his teeth to his therapist.

"Juyeon listen to me. I know that it's hard to lose your mother at such a young age and seeing your father marry someone else the next day of your mother's funeral is heartbreaking. But you need to burn your grief from the very roots. So that you can trace your scars backward. A series of crisscrossed lines hightailed down your bones like a roadmap, till it led you to the birthplace of your demons. Home." said the therapist. " Juyeon listen to me- "

Juyeon hurriedly left the room thinking in his mind No one would ever understand me.

" You wanted me to stay not because you loved me but because you loved the power I gave you over me "~ Hyunjin

" I believe a straight rejection hurts less than a maybe. we all deserve certainty. " said a girl whose heart was crushed by Hyunjin, again, throwing a glass of water in his flawless face, she left the room with a broken heart.

" Another broken heart," Hyunjin said smirking. 

" How many hearts are you going to break dude?.  they are girls, they have feelings too you should try to see from their Point of view," said his friend.

" It is easy to love people when we need them like a joke in a punchline. But how many of us can say we have loved somebody who was like the moon to the noon?. maybe love is foolishness. or maybe, maybe it's bravery. I'm leaving I've class." said Hyunjin making his way towards the exit.

What will happen if these 4 strangers are at the doorway of each other's house?. Will, there be an unbreakable friendship forming or a series of heartbreaks? stay tuned for "Soft-hearted you"

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