Fairylore? Only if it existed.

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"One glass of whiskey please" Juyeon hastily ordered a drink. He decided to drink his pain away. Of course, he ditched his wedding night. The club was a mess to be fair. People dancing, singing, shouting, crying, and arguing; every type of person could be seen from the bar. It was suffocating for Juyeon, so he left from the back door.

Leaning his back towards the wall, he pulled out the last packet of cigarettes. Holding one in his right hand and a lighter in his other, he burned it, Taking a sip of the intoxicant. He exhaled smoke along with a deep sigh. He was lost in thoughts. It happened super fast for him. One minute he was sleeping in SooAh's lap, and the next minute she was gone to who knows where. he wanted to search for her, but her note clearly said don't search for me. He decided to go inside and drink again. 

A loud thud was heard in the doorway which caused Lia to jump up in caution. She grabbed the lamp nearby and made her way towards the door. The second the door opened, she swung the lamp hard enough to knock out any form of life. But to her surprise, the person dodged. 

It was none other than Juyeon. he was practically limping his way towards the bed. He was drunk. The sight made Lia feel strange. Deep inside her, she knew it was all because of her. 

Lia asked, " Why did you drink so much when you know you can't handle it?" She hurriedly held his hand before he could fall.

She was pushed back the second she held his hand. It was like a quick reflex action.


"Don't ever try to touch me or come close to me," Juyeon said in a low yet scary tone.

Lia was stuck in her place. Her head was blank.

He fell again while making his way toward the bed, but he couldn't care less.

Lia slept on the sofa that night. It was a sleepless night for her. The worst wedding night one could ever have.

The next morning,

"Sir, Breakfast is ready. Mrs. Kim is waiting for you to have breakfast together" The maid woke Juyeon.

Giving a small sigh, he got up. After getting ready, He made his way downstairs. There he saw a tired Lia who was continuously yawning. He had the urge to ask if she slept well or not but decided not to.

She gave a small smile upon noticing him.

"I was waiting for you," Lia said.

Juyeon just nodded, giving her the sign that he doesn't want to converse.

The breakfast went quietly. The maids started to look at each other as if gossiping through telepathy. The silence was awkward for Lia, but she tried to avoid it. 

Upon entering the kitchen, she heard the maids gossiping 

"Aren't they newlyweds? why aren't they talking?" all of the maids were busy discussing the interactions between Lia and Juyeon. One even said " Does sir even love his wife?" 

He doesn't Lia said in her head. "Are you guys done gossiping? or do you want to get fired?" The Headmaid scolded them. She saw Lia behind the wall, she could see how hard she was trying to stop her tears from falling, again. She felt sad for the poor girl.

Lia went to the study upstairs. She spent her entire day in the study, which somehow was peaceful to her. She slept in one of the chairs.

It was almost 10 pm, Juyeon came home. He made his way toward the study room to find some papers for his new project. Not noticing her presence, He started searching for the papers. The moon was really pretty that day. He stopped what he was doing and took a moment to admire it. The moon was shining bright, making the sky feel some what magical with the numerous twinkling stars. He was awed by the sight. 

He heard small snores coming from the corner of the study. He was not sure who could be there, so he decided to find it out. To his surprise, it was Lia sleeping peacefully. The moon light was directly falling in her, making her shine. One could easily comprehend her as the moon goddess if fairy lore really existed. He unknowingly said, "She must have been tired". 

If SooAh never existed then Juyeon could have loved Lia. He was indeed captivated by her beauty. But for him SooAh was his type, Her beauty was beyond any thing else. The beauty of her heart. SooAh reminded him of his mother. She had a hold on him, that even he doesn't know the reason. 

Lia could feel intense stares even in her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the bright light. She almost gasped after seeing Juyeon staring so intensely at her. She called his name but he was busy in his own thoughts.

"Juyeon!" she called.

"huh?" Juyeon was taken aback. He could not comprehend any word, so he left the room in a hurry. This left Lia dumb founded. 

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