It feels too good to be true.

13 1 0

" Hey Lia, are you okay? can you listen to me? hey-" 

Before passing out, I got flashbacks of my past. The dark past from which I have been trying to run away. Nobody cared for me. Nobody loved me. There was no one to call my own. My parents never loved me. It's Tragic when the one you cherish the most and love from your heart doesn't reciprocate that feeling. It was nothing new for me. Everyone thinks that I get everything I want, they want to be me, live my lifestyle for once. How narcissistic. 

"hey, lia-" Hyunjin was interrupted by lia before he could panic more. 

"Will you just shut up!. your voice is annoying the hell out of me" Lia said with a displeasing tone.

"How can I shut up when you passed out on me? do you even know how scared I was?" Hyunjin said.

Lia sat on the bed, holding her head as it was still hurting, completely ignoring hyunjin's worry.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me? Don't you think you're being too rude to your savior?" Hyunjin said.

"Huh! Savior!?" Lia chuckled disbelieved. "Will you please leave me alone. I'm tired. just please" Lia said with brims of tears in her eyes.

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