The Marriage

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Watching the photo of her lover with his fiancé made her feel a tingling sensation in her heart. Her eyes were burning indicating that at any moment tears could flow. She was tired, of everything. Her mother who once supported her relationship, was now the one who broke it. Everything happened so fast. Her mind was a mess. 

The sound of heels was heard in the hallway of their house. She could smell an expensive perfume engulfing the air she was in. She at once recognized the person who came to visit her family. Her dear aunt who once ruined their family's reputation. The reason why her grandmother died. If only she was alive, everything could have been perfect in her life.

"What are you doing here Aunt Susan?" She said in a loathing way. She hated her. 

"Is this how you welcome your aunty SooAh?" The woman said putting her expensive Birkin on the sofa. Her whole attire screamed rich. She was draped in luxury brands, who would even think she used to belong to a poor family once upon a time. 

"I came here for only one thing, here" She pushed forward the envelope on the table.

SooAh noticed immediately that it was none other than Juyeon and Lia's wedding invitation. She was not sure how to face this. Just now she saw the news of the engagement which was currently trending all over the world. And now the invitation to his wedding. The only person she loved so freaking much was getting married now. Her dream was already crushed but she never thought of watching the wedding with her own eyes. 

"I can't"

"You'll have to Honey, It is my only Daughter's wedding and my husband wants to meet my family members," She said indifferently.

"How could you do this Aunty? First, you ruined our family by having an affair with a married man and now you want me to witness the man I love marry someone else? Why are you doing this to us!?" SooAh had enough, she wanted to rip her aunt apart. After everything that they had to face because of her, she is standing there shamelessly, asking them to attend a wedding.

"You see child, even though Lia is my step-daughter, I care for her and her happiness, and about the affair thing, I LOVED THAT MAN EVEN BEFORE HE GOT MARRIED TO LIA's MOTHER and I did not come here because I wanted to. It's my husband who wants to meet my family. Anyway, I shall take my leave now. See you at the wedding. oh and please wear something decent, There will be a lot of people and media. I don't want to embarrass myself. adios"

The woman said before getting inside her car. The car goes leaving a messed up SooAh behind.

She was clearly tired. Her heart was aching. The last thing she wanted was to attend the wedding. The world was playing a joke in her life.

The world was playing a joke in everyone's life. Lia, Juyeon, Hyunjin, SooAh. 

"How much are you going to drink Hyunjin" The manager sighed.

"The girl I love *Hiccups* is going to marry someone else *Hiccups* and I can't even do anyth- *Hiccups* -ng about it. It hurts" Hyunjin was drunk. For seven whole years, He was searching for her. While waiting for good news, he was slapped by the news of her marriage. How can someone's life be so cruel. They had everything in their life except Love.

He wanted to see her but with what face would he perceive her. He drunkenly put his hands around his manager's shoulder. He was completely wasted. His legs were wiggling, His heart was burning with the pain. He was a mess too.

The next day was the most awaited day for Lia, the day of her marriage. She dreamt of this day. Marrying the one she loves and most importantly marrying someone who loves her back. A part of her was still thinking about Hyunjin. To her surprise, he was there, waiting to see his first love walk the aisle but not to him. 

Walking down the aisle, Her head was full of thoughts. She was unsure of the future. To be honest she was scared, scared that she was marrying someone who would never even look at her. There he was standing. looking handsome as always, looking everywhere except her. She noticed how his eyes were fixed on a particular person. Following his eyes, she saw the person. She always knew, She knew it from her heart. She knew that he could never be hers. She tried so hard to not tear up, but blame her weak aching heart. Small brims of tears began to fall, no one noticed as her face was covered by the veil, no one except Hyunjin of course. He knew how hurt she was. She knew how much she loved Juyeon but that guy never even looks at her. What an unhappy marriage it will be.

Exchanging the vows was hurting Juyeon. He always wanted this day to happen, but the bride should have been SooAh. The vows did not even mean anything to him now. The promises that he is surely not going to keep.

Lia was afraid to make eye contact. She was afraid to see the hatred in his eyes. 

The wedding came to an end. Everything that seemed so perfect to the world was so much destructive in reality. A perfect destruction in their perfect life.

"Why is it so difficult to get love?" The four of them uttered at the same time. All of them were busy in their thoughts.

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