Can someone love me?

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" Goodmorning class, I hope you had a great vacation, " said Professor San with a fresh smile.

Getting no answer from his class, he decided to continue teaching. 

After 1 hour,

The bell rang. Everyone hurriedly packed their things and left the classroom. The only students left were Lia who was re-touching her makeup, SooA packing her bag, Juyeon thinking of ways to talk to SooA, and Hyunjin who was taking a nap which started at the beginning of class till the end. 

Juyeon stands up and makes his way towards SooA while thinking of ways to start a conversation with her. 

"Hi-... Are- you okay? Like-e are you hurt somewhere?" Juyeon asked SooA awkwardly while stuttering.

" Yes... I'm good. thank you for your concern" SooA said being flustered.

"Oh great... then would you like to join me for lunch?" Juyeon said blushing.

"Yeah, I would love to" SooA replied softly.

Meanwhile, Lia was observing everything that was going on in front of her eyes. a part of her wanted to rip SooA away from Juyeon but there was also a part who was sad because of the memories from the morning event, making her realize that she is only a second lead in her own life story.

"I want to join too," Lia said looking towards Juyeon and SooA with her Hazel Brown eyes.

"Why do you wanna join us? For lunch? no thanks." Juyeon said without even looking towards SooA.

"No, it's fine Juyeon. Lia, you can join us. it's not like we are having a date" SooA said.

"See-" Before Lia could say anything else she was interrupted by Juyeon. 

Juyeon harshly said," Are you a saint? or have you lost your mind? why are you asking her to have lunch with us? Did you forget what she did to you in the morning and you Lia, you really have the audacity to talk to us when you clearly insulted SooA in public. How can you be so bold? It disgusts me to see you." Juyeon said loathly.

The last sentence was a breaking point for Lia. She never expected the one she loves to hate her. Juyeon never wanted to say those words but he was unable to stop his mouth.

Juyeon dragged SooA and exited the classroom without saying anything else. 

Lia sadly chuckled while stepping down the stairs. Her steps halted when she heard someone unexpected saying, "How tragic it is to be in love with someone whose company feels much worse than loneliness" Hyunjin said with an ugly smirk on his face. " Oh is the princess sad? did someone break your heart? again" he mockingly said.

"It's none of your business hyunjin. why don't you just go to your new girlfriend" Lia said bitterly.

"Why would I go away when my new girlfriend is just in front of me," Hyunjin said flirtatiously.

"You aren't the first one, you see. I have met people like you before, reckless little boys who walk into my life, intrigued by my warning signs, wanting to try their hand at fixing me, at playing god." Lia said with a loathing tone.

"Oh I'm scared" Hyunjin replied jokingly. " Do you expect me to be scared no honey no. I will be never scared. I know that you love him and I understand what it feels like to be in love with someone who can never be yours"

"No, you don't understand. You never did because you weren't there for me" Lia said whispering the last sentence. 

Flashbacks came running to her mind. She found herself crying in the airport shouting his name. People were looking at her weirdly but she cared less. the only thing that was on her mind was how to stop him from going.

"I do not need love to take my breath away. What I need it to do is teach me how to breathe again" the last sentence that came out of her mouth before she passed out.

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