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Her heart was aching. Every second of breathing felt like a burden for her. what did she do to deserve this was ringing in her head, like an endless song. 

"The only thing that I did was to love you Juyeon, why are you so bad to me?" she was mumbling in her sleep. This was also haunting her dreams. Everything in her life seemed like a nightmare. 

Her body was burning. Juyeon asked the maids to bring a washcloth. A slight look of guilt was seen in his eyes, but he held his thoughts before it turned into something else. 

"It's not your fault Lia. My heart just does not beat for you" He quietly said, while caressing her hair.

Looking far away, Hyunjin was in deep thought, which was interrupted by his manager, " Hyunjin the set is ready"

He left the car. Everyone could notice how hurt he was, it was written all over his place. But being known as a secretive person, no one asked the reason. His manager knew the reason, He felt bad for this kid who could not get his only love.

A month had passed, everything went back to normal. The only thing different was Lia.

Coming down the stairs, The maids were waiting beside the table which was filled with food. There he was sitting like a prince. Everything about him was perfect. Looking at him reminded her about the past days. The days where she kept herself locked in her room, not having a single proper meal, not sleeping. she was lost.

Sitting at the far end, she played with the food on her plate. Juyeon noticed her dark circles, He saw how she was playing with her food. His heart softened a bit looking at her fragile state. He wanted to hug her and apologize. But why, he questioned himself.

It was the 7th anniversary of Kim's law association. Every socialite was present that day. Juyeon was busy conversing with his partners when his father-in-law approached.

"How are you two doing son?" 

"We are doing great Dad," Juyeon said with a professional smile. He was best at hiding his feelings.

"Great then, you see son, Lia is a very nice girl. It was me who made her this way. I cheated on her mother and was not there for her emotionally. I still regret it. I was absent in her life. The day she said that she loves you, for once I wanted to do something to make her happy. I arranged your guy's engagement when she was in France. I wanted to surprise her" He said with a small smile "Please keep her happy son. She has lost almost everyone who loves her. She needs love Juyeon." Mr. Choi then left.

Juyeon was now lost in thoughts. He could see her from afar, standing so beautifully. He saw how weak she became. That witty and smart Lia was long gone. He was feeling bad for her.

The door of the hall opened. A tall woman was seen, who came running towards Juyeon. She hugged him and unintentionally He hugged her back. She was happy to see him after a month. 

"I missed you Juyeon!!" SooAh said jumping excitedly.

"oh," Juyeon was at a loss of words. Everyone was looking at them, them being so close to each other was raising a little doubt.

Mr. Kim was mad at his son, more at the girl. He did hire his men to make her disappear from his son's life. But there she was, again.

Lia was looking at the stars. Her head was blank. small tears eventually fell from her delicate eyes.

Juyeon hugged her from behind,

"I'm sorry Lia," he said feeling guilty.

Lia pushed his hands and turned around. she said, "Why?"

Juyeon could see her crying. His heart breaking Every second her tears fell

"Why am I always the second Juyeon? Why can't you love me as you love her? what does she have that I don't? I did every fucking thing for you then why her and not me? FOR ONCE JUYEON, Care about me more. CHOOSE ME!! LOVE ME!!. how much will it take for you to love me Juyeon?" She was crying hard. Why was everything so hard for her? Her vision got cloudy from her tears. Her heart was racing fast. The thing about Love is that not everyone gets the love they always dreamt of. It was cruel for all of them.

"Love is missing in our story. we should love too"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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