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" don't leave me" A little girl sobbing near her mother's body, She was crying continuously begging her mother to wake up. Her mind was messed up by witnessing the scene, she was only a 5-year-old kid. Her thoughts included her mother saying the previous night before bed "Live happily with the one you love my angel, I'll always look over you Lia", the little girl hugged her mother happily not knowing what would unfold the next day.

It was her 5th Birthday, a little Lia was excitedly running around her house waiting for her dad to come and celebrate her birthday.

"Lia" a very pretty woman called her name.

"mommyyyy" Lia ran towards her mother.

"Your Daddy will be late honey, shall we go to the nice hotel you said you wanted to go last time and have dinner there?" the little girl was upset that her father couldn't come but she tried to dismissed that thought.

While being escorted by the waiter to their table, the Woman saw a figure which was surprisingly known to her. She decided to follow that certain person while holding her daughter's hand.

"Mommy where are we going?"

"Honey just a second-" The woman's world crashed when she saw her husband kissing someone inside the car when he said that he had a meeting that day. All the countless suspicions came back to her, She already had doubts that her husband was cheating but she did not had any proofs, despite that she loved her husband dearly. Tears brimmed her eyes slowly, Little Lia witnessed her mother breaking down on her knees letting her emotions out. she did not know why her mother was crying, she knew nothing what was even happening. 

The next day, the woman confronted her husband with photographs of his affair

"what is this? how could you do this to us, our family, we have a daughter Mr. Choi She is Fucking 5! how could you ruin our family for a slu-" before she could say that word, she was slapped by her husband " Dont even think about uttering that word, I LOVE that woman".

"what" The woman was heartbroken. she knew that her husband never loved her. they were married only for business. there was no love. But there was this little hope in her heart that one day he will look at her the way she looks at him, love her the way she loves him. But there was nothing.

Hiding behind the wall, a girl was listening to her parents quarrel. She wanted them to stop and be a normal happy family like others, was it too much to ask for?

The following night,

"Lia, I love you you know that right?"

Lia nodded.

"I want you to be happy and live your life the way you want, I want you to get married to someone that you love, someone who will take care of you. Please be happy for mommy okay honey, I'll always watch over you my angel" The woman said trying hard to not cry. She gave a goodnight kiss to her daughter and went to her room.

That night was going to change Little Lia's life forever. A happy family? was the only thing she wished for. 

The next morning, Lia rushed to her mother's room. she opened the door and couldn't believed what she saw. She shouted out loud for her father. but that cheating bastard was with his mistress. The maids came and took Lia with them to comfort her.

The whole Family was present that day, Lia's Grandmother, Aunts and Uncles and her mother's friends. who would even be absent on that day, The funeral of Lia's mother, the pretty and kind hearted woman whom everyone loved. Feeling the absence of her dad, she called him multiple times but he was not picking up. Her Grandmother pitied her, the little child who lost her mother and was asking for her father, but that person was with his so called mistress. She wanted to take Lia but was unable as her son loved his daughter very much and would do anything for her apart from giving her emotional presence.

Little Lia saw her father marrying that mistress the very next month that her mother died. That day she decided to never forgive her father and her soon to be step mother. She wanted to ruin her life the way they ruined her mother. Lia was definitely not the forgiving type.

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