Rivalry (pt-1)

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"Eomma, I love him. Yes it sounds unrealistic but I don't know what has happened to me. I can't believe that I've fallen in love with someone for real. It feels unreal to have special feelings for someone. But I also know that I cant do anything about it. Just look at me, I'm a girl from a middle class family. My lifestyle is nothing compared to his. He is rich, and kind, and intelligent... He is everything that is not me. He can never be mine. My love will always remain one sided I guess."

Her mother said, "Listen SooA, we know that we are poor and all but it doesn't matter in love. If you love someone, you love his/her inside not the exterior. If he really loves you he will accept you for who you are. No matter what the world says about you he will always believe you and love you from the bottom of his heart. SooA if you're destined with him then nothing in this world can separate you both"

SooA felt comfort after hearing her mother's advice.

People says that a mother's advice can give peace to your hurting heart. But not everyone have this golden opportunity.

Lia POV,

"I love him. I don't know why but I do. No matter how much he has hurted me, this stupid heart of mine cannot stop itself from falling for him. I miss him... I miss him so fuckin much. Why did he have to leave me?."

Lia said to the bartender.

"Lia, how much are you going to drink. It will effect your health. You should stop now and go home. Your parents must be worried about you-"
He was interrupted by Lia.

"What parents? Parents who worries about me? Who cares for me? The only person who cared for me is dead dude " She said scoffing "I don't have a home and most importantly I don't have any parents. It's just me. It was always me no one else." She said taking her last sip of the whiskey.

"All I wanted was a love that lasts. Is all I want too much to ask? . All I ever wanted was a good guy. I guess my expectations are far too high. I try my best but what can I say? All I have is myself at the end of the day. And it should be enough for me" Lia said in a drunken yet sober state.

Lia left the club after paying. Walking down the dark streets she felt nothing but loneliness. It felt like the sky was mocking her. Everything was dark, the sky, her life. Not a single light of hope. Swallowing the thoughts, she started walking without a sense of direction. She went wherever her legs took her lastly reaching a lonely park at the end.

Sitting at the bench feeling the soft yet cold breeze, she looked at the stars. They were shining brightly. Everything looked Peaceful for a moment. She felt nothing at that point of time. Everything was silent, no sound, no emotions. Just peace. She wanted her whole life to be like this.

Next day,

Walking down the hallway, Lia spotted Juyeon singing while looking at SooA. She started feeling uncomfortable.

"I met him first, I loved him first, I confessed to him first then why her!?" Lia can feel her heart throbbing. She was not able to control her feelings.

She stomped towards Juyeon and said, " I swear that every word you sing, you wrote that for me. Like it was a private show. I know you never saw me. When the lights come on and I'm on my own will you be there to sing it again?. Can I be the one you talk about in all your stories? Can I be her?"

She wanted to shout at him But didnot had the courage to do so. Standing at the doorway, she witnessed the lovely yet heartbreaking scene in front of her. She knew that she could do nothing about it.

She wanted to hurt SooA so bad for taking her love away from her.

For all her life, she only knew about one love that never looked at her back.

To be continued-

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