Cruel Summer

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"You should go sooA, this trip will refreshen your mind moreover university is very hectic these days. you should breathe fresh air for some days. You will feel better" 

"But Mom, it's really not necessary. I have so many assignments and I have to take care of you guys too and the trip will be expensive I don't want to waste your money" SooA said on a call with her mother.

"No excuses now. you will have to go" her mother said trying to persuade her.

She had no choice but to go.

The day of the trip,

Lia, " Please teacher can I change my seat, It's really uncomfortable sitting with someone else and what if he/she tries to hurt me. will the school take responsibility?"

"They are your classmates Lia not your enemies. I cant change your seats now its already assigned by the student council, go to your seat now. no more complains."

"SooA, you can sit beside me"

"Oh okay Juyeon" SooA said giving a small smile at Juyeon.

He was deeply fascinated by her, more in love with her.

Lia was watching this from the other aisle. she wanted to ignore the scene in front of her but her heart, it never let her. Slowly drifting away, she was shaken by someone who appeared to be her sit mate. she did not care much and drifted of to her dream land.

The bus stopped in a rest spot, the sun was shining bright. light coming from the sun made Lia, who sitting near the window, glow like a star. Who would not have noticed that pretty sun kissed face of Lia. She was radiating. Everyone was awed staring at her pretty face. Even the author was awed imagining how she would have looked that moment.

Lia was shaken awake by sunwoo. she opened her eyes and tried to adjust the bright lighting coming at her eyes. She didn't even noticed who was sitting beside her. On who's shoulder she was sleeping. Cruel summer playing in her ears. she was shocked to be this close with him again. Her cheeks were bright red by the sudden closeness. Her mind was filled with questions, but she did not know what to utter. It really was a cruel summer for them.

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