IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 8

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In another out-of-this-world Author’s Note: Last night as I was avoiding balancing equations and diagraming adverbs I thought “Hey, self! You have just had a brain blast!” And in fact, I did. Basically, I was like “Snap, that’d be awesome if it worked out right!” This brain blast of mine better frickin’ work, or I’ll be mad. Here goes nothing …

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 8: Tables Turn

            Luna and I were making our way out to the greenhouse for Herbology with our copies of Flesh-Eating Trees of the World as we chatted. I hadn’t talked to Luna in quite a while. As it being a B day, causing our schedules to change from yesterday, I was able to have the chance to talk with her. She was preparing for her new addition of The Quibbler. Luna was quite fond of reading it, though half the time it was upside-down when she held a copy.

            “I swear Luna, it’d be better for the next addition to have an article about Moon Frogs. They have always fascinated me in a way,” I spoke a bit louder than necessary because the wind was howling.

            “You have a fair point, Violet, but I would much rather read about Heliopaths. I saw one not too long ago actually. It was quite peculiar. They were burning a patch of perfectly ripe waxed vegetables.” Sighing, the half-loony girl mumbled, “Quite a waste.”

            Chuckling, I ducked into the greenhouse and set up my station. Luna tied her hair with a speckled ribbon and she too set up her station. Right then Neville walked by with a prickly Mimbulus Mimbletonia that caught Luna’s eye.

            “That’s a nice specimen of—” I blocked out the rest of the conversation and just sat and giggled at how red Neville’s face blushed as Luna talked. Clearly he had a deep crush on her. With a shake of my head, I turned in my stool and flipped open my book to the tree we were to know.

            Sometimes I wished my relationship wouldn’t be fake.

            As class was finishing up, Hermione stumbled in and grabbed my wrist. Giving Luna a wink and a thumb’s up, I was dragged away from her and Neville. Ginny was waiting outside and grabbed my other wrist.

            Sighing, I gave in. “What, guys?”

            They looked at each other, “We’re going to go dress shopping tomorrow!” Ginny squealed.

            “And you’re telling me this today because?” I dragged the last word on purposefully. Ginny was always one to “prepare” to go shopping a week in advance. Hermione on the other hand prepared two weeks in advance. Haven’t they ever heard of on whim? Like I on whim allowed myself to take this dare. I on whim decided that I might li—“Where the hell are we going?!”

            “We? Who ever said ‘we,’ ‘Mione?” Ginny questioned Hermione, pretending to ignore me all together. I dug my feet into the hallway we had entered. If we were going where I thought we were, I was going to seriously Avada Kedavra someone’s ass. My whole body was shaking as we entered the Great Hall. There were few people because Herbology had run a bit late due to cleaning up after the First Years (bloody Mandrakes really hate those poor kids).

            But we weren’t going to the Gryffindor table. No, the opposite actually.

            “No, no, no, no! P-please don’t make me!” I pleaded as Ginny and Hermione dragged me over to the partially filled Slytherin table.

            “Suck it up, princess. You have a Slytherin to impress,” quoted Hermione.

            They ran a bit and suddenly stopped, sending me flying forward. My hands flew forward, protecting my face from landing on anything, eh, unpleasant. My feet spaced out and I had no control whatsoever.

            “Oof!” I sputtered as my face smooshed into someone’s gray and silver chest. Placing my hands on said chest, I pressed outward (six-pack anyone?). My hair was covering my face and I peeked up.

            “Well, well, if it isn’t our little mudblood.”


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Love and fireworks,


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