IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 24

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I wander from your brain to my brain daily: I actually have nothing planned for this Author’s Note  and it’s actually a bit awkward *scratches head in that awkward fashion*. Let’s see, I got City of the Fallen Angels, have yet to read it but thought I’d mention that, and er, I’m attempting to read Pride and Prejudice for the 3rd time for a school project!

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 24: Underpants Man to the Rescue!

---------| Violet’s POV |---------

            I swear to Merlin that if Draco tells me for the umpteenth time that his ass has been squeezed, his grope virginity has been violated, or that a five year old girl stole his wallet, I will smash his face into the car door as it closes. If his stupid citrus pheromones weren’t floating all over the dang place attracting all sorts of unwanted attention, he wouldn’t have that problem! But no, his stupid citrus pheromones are practically suffocating me and those poor perverts who like to prey on children. The world just isn’t fair.

            On the bright side, we were closing in on Destination Zero, aka my house. We were flying in from Detroit to Pellston, which wasn’t that far from where I grew up. The weather was considerably nice for a Michigan winter and Draco had shut up for the moment at least. That’s when the nervousness finally hit me. And the realization that I had forgotten to call ahead to warn my family I was bringing … I guess you could call Draco a friend. My family wasn’t exactly the type to be call Stepford, if you get my meaning. We were … different? Yeah, different.

            Anyway, we hopped into my car, which had been sitting in the parking lot since the beginning of the school year, and began to drive to my house. I loved my baby girl. She worked like a charm, despite being a hunk a shit. Her uneven coat of On-Sale-Paparazzi-Purple gave her the character she needed on the road.

            My hands began to beat repeatedly against the wheel as the songs started and finished on the stereo and Draco blabbed about strange sights. I didn’t bother explaining what a Chiropractor did, or how you sold a ‘garage’ on ‘sale’ in May 2010 (it was an old Garage Sale sign), and so on. It wasn’t worth my time. As of now all that worried me was whether Devon was going to do something trippy like last year.

            Merlin, I hope he didn’t.

            But of course, my hopes were always in vain.

--------| *tick*tock* There goes the clock! |---------

            Oh, Merlin, here we go. Pulling up to the secluded driveway of my childhood home, I took a deep breath and turned towards Draco. “If anything, anything, gets weird, I’m sending you home, got that?” He stares at me in question. Like: “What could possibly go wrong in a house of four that have no utter control over each other and like to torment for a good joke?” Or: “What could go wrong when I have magical powers and I’m going into a family of muggles?” Possibly: “What could go wrong when your shirt is so utterly tight that I can see your man nipples? Nothing of course!” It all just makes me want to implode on myself. And skip over the last one. It was a moment of weakness, in all honesty, just please don’t tell Draco.

            We gathered our gear and trekked up the porch steps through all the snow and slush left on the steps. I was going as slow as physically possible, not completely wanting to be home anymore like I had been initially. I dug around through my purse to find the front door key when it burst open. My luggage, which had been leaning up against it, tumbled inward and the person I really didn’t want to be home, was home.

            One, nineteen year old, red-blooded male that just so happened to have a pair of ‘touch me here’ boxers on his head, the elastic down on his head was at the door. I blushed up to my roots and dared a glance at Draco. His brows were raised but other than that, he was silent. And for that, I was grateful. Devon’s bare chest smacked me in the face and I tasted the nasty taste of Axe: Dark Temptations. Its chocolaty scent bombarded my system as I glanced down and noticed another pair of ‘my no-no place’ boxers strapped on my brother’s waist. This was my brother. And he could just go die.

            Like, right now.

            “Underpants Man prevails!” he screamed before letting go and running to grab another pair of boxers from the side table. They were clean, I promise. They always were. I wouldn’t have let him shove them on my forehead leg-holes facing the sky if they had been dirty. That’s just ew. Anyway, they were the usual pair. The ones I always get forced to wear for the rest of the day. The basic: ‘I’ll cum for you’ pair. Completely normal, right?

            “Devon!” my mother yells from the kitchen. She walks out in a pretty spring dress that, if outside of the house, she would never wear. As I get sight of her completely, though, I gap in horror. She just had to be wearing the ‘baby maker’ boxers.

            Just had to be.


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Love and fireworks,


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