[ R A I S I N G H E L L ]

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As we arrive at the abandoned warehouse, I immediately felt like something was about to go wrong.

"Magnus's lair is right behind that fence" Jace says.

"Magnus lives in a warehouse" clary gasps.

"Not exactly" I say, "warlock glamour"

"Somethings wrong. It's far too easy to get this close." Izzy says holding up her hand.

"His wards must be down" I agree

"You. Don't get in the way" Alec hisses at Clary.
At the sound of a sword I look up to see a circle member stabbing someone, a warlock, throwing him too the ground.

"Oh god, Valentine found Magnus" I shout running for him.

"Lily wait" I hear Alec shout as I run ahead of the gang.

"Daddy!" I hear a young girl gasp as she reaches for the dead warlock, but I notice the circle member was now behind her, easing his blade.

"Watch out!" I scream as I pull her behind me.

"Lilyrose Herondale. You're quite the warrior" he smirks at me.

"Something you'll never be then?"

Sick of my attitude, he swings for my throat with his blade, failing miserably as I plunge my dagger into his throat.

"Damn" I hear Alec gasp from behind me.

"Let's go" I say pulling the girl with me.

Hearing something crash, I head in that direction- seeing Magnus fighting another circle member, obviously being mocked.
I run forward and jump on his back, slitting his throat with my dagger and jump forward as he falls to the ground.

"Well done"

"More like medium rare" I say as Magnus chuckles.

"I'm Magnus Bane" he says walking towards me, "I don't think we've been formally introduced"

"Lily. Lily Herondale" I smile.

"We should join the party"

"I second that"


Finally we had killed the circle members, only taking wayyy too long.

"Magnus" I say, remembering the little girl.

"Zoe" he sighs, smiling warmly at the girl, "go join the others my dear. This is no place for a little girl" as the young warlock listens to him.

"I heard what you did for Zoe. You risked your life without hesitation to save a young warlock child" he turns to me.

"She's just a little girl Magnus, I had to help her, anyone would have. I had no choice "

"You always have a choice. You're not like the others Lilyrose Herondale, most shadow hunters protect down worlders as a sense of duty but you saved young Zoe because of what was in your heart. You're more like your mother than you'll ever know" he says, making me smile at the mention of my passed mom.

"Magnus please. You can't hide from this battle Valentine found you once he will find you again. We need to work together. Help Me" clary says stepping in.

"I can summon the demon. But you must make the command" he says to her, "now I warn you, retrieving your memories will not be easy"

"I will do what I have to do"

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