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"Lucas!" Alec shouts as we reach his office, drawing his bow and firing at a possessed Raj's leg, forcing the demon to release itself and pour into the vent.

"Are you okay?" I rush to his side, quickly helping the taller man up as he recovered from the sudden attack, "What happened?"

"It happened so fast he was fine and then he wasn't, this demon is more powerful than we know" he growled, before stalking away and dragging Raj to the infirmary.

"What the hell is going on!" I sigh frustratedly, rubbing my throbbing head with the palms of my hands.

"Hey, calm down, it'll be okay Lil. I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to you again and I mean that." Alec mumbles, once again pulling my face into his rigid chest.

"I hope you're right Alec."


"Clary? Hey! What's going on?" I ask the furious looking girl, racing to catch up with her.

"Ask Alec. I have a demon to kill." She snarls, stepping into the lift.

"Alec?" I gasp, running to where I last seen him hoping to catch him before he left, "By the angel, what happened?" I ask, my voice shaking as I noticed his crimson stained hands and forearm.

"Lily I- I don't remember anything.."

"Oh Alec" I mumble sympathetically, of course it had to be him, even though he'd already been through so much this year, "What the.." I trail off noticing a stream of blood run into the room Alec was leaned up against when I found him.

"Oh my god" I cry, slamming my hand over my mouth as I take in the sight sprawled across the floor. Jocelyn, with a hole in her chest and her heart thrown across the room, "No don't come in here-" I shriek, trying to stop Alec from witnessing the tragedy but it was too late as I watched the colour drain from his pretty face.

"What did I do?" He breathes.

"Alec this wasn't you! Hey, look at me! You were possessed don't you dare go blaming yourself or so help me god I will-"

"What do you mean it wasn't my fault? I did this. What more proof do you need?" He snaps, before sprinting in the opposite direction.

"Damnit Alec."


"Please let me do this, you don't have to put yourself in danger, not now." I hear Alec plead with someone in the training hall as I make my way there.

"Izzy! We need your help, Jocelyn's-"

"Dead! Because of you!" Demonic Izzy snarls.

"Oh shit" I groan, running inside just in time to see her trying to grab Alec, "No!" I scream, pushing her aside.

"Lily get out of here!" He snaps, standing in front of me.

"It's still inside her."

"It's still Izzy so be careful where you aim." I point out, drawing out my seraph blade.

She stealthily picks Clary up and tosses her to the side, almost knocking her out before doing the same to Alec.

And then she turns to me.

"You" she snarls, "You betrayed Valentine" she growls before attempting to grab me but I manage to slice at the thigh, causing her to fall backwards but only for a split second before she recovers and grabs ahold of me, throwing me across the room.

"Fuck" I hiss, feeling a shooting pain race through me, all the way through my fragile body.

"Lily!" Alec cries, attempting to get up as Clary manages to stab Izzys shoulder, forcing the demon out and plunging her seraph blade into the blazing charcoal cloud, turning it to ash, "Shit."

"Alec I'm okay." I whine, "Stop spinning." Is the last thing I say before my vision turns completely black.


"You're awake." A gruff voice mumbles from beside me, as I forcefully open my sensitive eyes, ignoring the blaring light above me.

"Hello to you too grumpy cat. What happened?"

"Demon threw you across the room-"

"What? Alec what about the baby, are they okay-"

"She is fine" he says with a small grin slowly making its way onto his exhausted face.

"She?" I gasp excitedly.

"Yeah, they had to check she was okay and just so happened to be able to tell the sex. I didn't know if you wanted to find out but I couldn't help myself given the opportunity." He admits.

"Don't worry about it, I wouldn't have it any other way." I smile, "Alec, I want you to know none of what happened was your fault. It was Valentine, it was his own creation. You had no control and nobody blames you."

"I promised I wouldn't let you get hurt again and that's exactly what I did Lily, I'm your husband, I'm supposed to protect you." He spits, clearly having a silent battle with himself.

"Alec I chose to be there, you told me to leave. If we're playing the blame game then it's on me. Forget about it, we've already lost so much time and I won't waste a second longer on something that isn't important."

"Fine. But no more missions that could get you killed." He argues, resting his hand on my protruding belly, "She's growing so fast."

"I know, believe me, I can feel it." I laugh, placing my hand above the eldest Lightwood's.

"Lily!" Isabelle shrieks as she barges into the room, throwing herself on top of me, "I'm so sorry, I would never hurt you."

"Iz I don't blame you it's okay, I'm fine, baby's fine, no harm done." I reassure the girl with a smile.

"I better go check on Clary. After all, I did just kill her mother." Alec coughs, "I love you."

"Alec so help me god stop blaming yourself for things you didn't do. I love you" I frown, as he kisses me longingly before pulling away and leaving the room.

"So, how are you feeling Parabatai?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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