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Haknyeon watched Mikyung from the corner of his eyes. He couldn't help thinking she was pretty cute, with her red nose and cheeks and herself all bundled up in the cold. Despite her puffy jacket and all the stuff he'd lent to her, she still looked like she was freezing. But when Haknyeon suggested they head back inside, she'd taken a deep breath and tentatively asked if he'd like to go take pictures with her.  

He'd agreed right away. Honestly, he was really curious about her. She didn't talk much and didn't smile or laugh that much either. Even when she did, there was always a lingering sadness and worry in her eyes, almost as if she couldn't allow herself to be too happy at any given moment. 

They'd known each other for about a week, and yet all he knew about her was that she was a math major and that she worked part-time at a café with her best friend. Oh, and that she was a talented photographer. 

He realized that he wanted to know more about her. He wanted to get closer to her. He wanted to know why she wouldn't allow herself to smile more and be happier. He wanted to make her smile and laugh. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she mumbled, feeling her face. "Do I have something on my face?"

"It's because you're pretty," he blurted out before he could stop himself. 

She stopped in her tracks, blinking up at him without saying anything for a moment. Finally, she gave him a small smile. "You're pretty too," she said, her voice kind of playful as she continued walking. 

"So, where are you taking me?" he asked, swinging his arms as he walked beside her. 

"You'll see when we get there," she said, stopping at the bus stop and waiting. "Do you have your card?" 

He nodded, and they waited for the bus in silence. 


They got off the bus, in a neighborhood Haknyeon had never been in. Instead of large houses, there were crowded buildings. Whereas the neighborhood their other friends lived in was pretty quiet, the streets here were bustling with activity. 

"Mikyung!" an old lady said excitedly as they passed a shop. She was coming out with two bags of groceries in her hands. 

"Hi Grandma!" Mikyung greeted, reaching out and taking the bags from the lady's hands. "Here, let me take those for you. Are you heading home now?" she asked, and the lady started to walk with them. Haknyeon reached forward and took one of the grocery bags so that they were each holding one. 

"I am. Who's this?" the lady asked, looking curiously at Haknyeon. "Your boyfriend?" 

Mikyung laughed, but the question made him blush and look to the floor. He was suddenly unable to make eye contact with them. 

"No, of course not," Mikyung said lightly, making Haknyeon feel a tiny bit disappointed, though he wasn't sure why. 

"This is my friend, Haknyeon," she continued. "We're working on a project together," she explained. "Haknyeon, this is Grandma Lee. You remember Sangyeon from the café, right?" she asked. "This is his Grandmother." 

"Nice to meet you," Haknyeon said, bowing. They continued walking. 

"How's your mother?" Grandma Lee asked, concern in her eyes. "Will she be able to come out of the hos-" 

"She's doing alright," Mikyung said quickly, nervously glancing at Haknyeon. "Well, just the same as always, I guess. She... she's going to stay there for a while," she whispered, her voice wavering, her gaze on the ground as they walked. She blinked rapidly then looked up again, slowing down as they approached a building. "Should we bring these up for you?" she offered, holding up the bag she was carrying. 

"Nonsense," Grandma Lee said, reaching forward and taking the bags back from them. "I'm alright. You kids go have some fun, alright?" she said, smiling at the two of them. She patted Mikyung's arm, her eyes sympathetic. "I'll go visit your mom soon," she promised before turning around and leaving. 

"Your mom-" 

"Nevermind," Mikyung said quickly, stopping Haknyeon before he even had the chance to ask his question. She suddenly looked uncomfortable, her eyes darting around as if she was on the lookout for other people who may know her. 

"Sorry," he said quickly, not wanting to overstep. But even so, he couldn't help being curious. Where was her mom? In a hospital? Did that explain why she always declined when Seolhee invited her to hang out after school? Maybe it wasn't just her part-time job that was stopping her... 

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Obviously, whatever it was, Mikyung wasn't comfortable sharing with him. He shouldn't think on his own and jump to any conclusions. 

They walked for a while until they got to a small playground. Despite the cold, there were a few kids playing there. 

Mikyung stopped in front of the playground entrance. She turned towards him, a tentative smile on her lips. 

"Well, here we are." 

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