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"How's she doing?" 

Haknyeon sighed, closing his eyes and leaning back on the sofa. "I don't really know," he admitted to Seolhee. "I've been checking up on her... but she takes a while to answer and her responses are very short. I'm worried about her but... I also am sure she needs some space and time with her family and stuff you know? But I am really worried. It feels like we haven't really spoken since the funeral. It's been almost a month and I know it's selfish and all but... I miss her."  

Seolhee sat up from where she'd been laying her head on Sunwoo's lap. "It's not selfish at all. In fact I think you're showing really selfless and mature behavior right now, and I'm sure she really appreciates you. Like you said, she probably just needs some time. I talked to her about it for a while the week of the funeral and it seems like she's feeling so lost right now, which I can totally understand. She just needs some time for herself, to recover a tiny bit before she can lend herself to others. Don't worry about anything too much, just be there for you when she needs you." 

Haknyeon nodded, feeling relieved hearing her words. He knew Seolhee knew what it was like to deal with a loss like this, and he was glad that she'd gotten to talk to Mikyung. She was probably more helpful than he was. 

"Should we invite her to come hang out and do something with us?" Eric suggested. He was sitting across the room, on the floor and playing video games with Hyunjun. 

"That may come off as insensitive," Hyunjun warned from beside Eric. "And kind of the opposite of giving her space." 

"Or maybe she'll appreciate it," Sunwoo said. 

Haknyeon's head was spinning now as he tried to figure out what would be best. He looked helplessly at Seolhee. "What do you think?" 

Seolhee shrugged. "I think she could feel either way. You know her best. What do you think?" 

He sighed, hating to admit it to himself. "I don't think she'd be upset that we're trying to help her, but... I think she'll say no. I think she still needs some space and I don't want to seem like I'm pushing her, you know?" 

Seolhee smiled, nodding. "When did you become such a good, sensitive person?" she teased, leaning over to ruffle his hair playfully. "Geez, if I'd known this sooner, maybe I would have fallen for you," she joked.

"Hey!" Sunwoo cried out, glaring at the two of them. "I'm right here you know." 

"We know," Seolhee sighed. "You won't let us forget it," she said, grinning cheekily. 

"I'm your boyfriend," Sunwoo grumbled, putting an arm around her shoulder. "And yet you're here talking about falling for other men." 

"Why, can't I?" 

"Seolhee!" Sunwoo exclaimed, trying to hold his glare even when it was obvious he was trying to hold back his laughter. 

Seolhee shrugged, leaning over to place a quick kiss on Sunwoo's cheek. "Kidding. We all know you're my main man." 

"Main," Sunwoo repeated. 

"My head boyfriend," she said, grinning teasingly. 

"Wow," Sunwoo said sarcastically. "I'm a lucky man." 

"I'm glad you know it." 

"Do you two mind?" Eric asked, glaring at them from across the room. "Gosh you're so lovey-dovey you're making me sick." 

"Agreed," Hyunjun said.

"Go date someone if you're jealous," Seolhee called back, winking at him. 

"I would," Hyunjun said, turning around so he could face them. "But you're already taken." 

Seolhee pretended to push Sunwoo away. "Say no more, I'm coming," she joked. 

Even though Haknyeon was worried about Mikyung, and even though he was sad he couldn't see her, as his friends' joking and laughter filled the room he couldn't help but be grateful for them. They were there for him throughout all his hard times, and he loved them dearly. He didn't know what he'd do without them. 

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