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"You have approval from both of my parents," Mikyung teased as she walked back to school with Haknyeon.  

"I'm glad," he said softly. "I wanted them to like me." 

She glanced at him. "You're suddenly sounding serious," she joked, bumping her shoulder against him playfully. 

"I am," he said. "It was important to me that they liked me."

"Because you're my friend?" she asked. 

He was silent for a moment. "No," he finally said. "Because I like you."

Mikyung stopped in her tracks, turning to look at him. 

"I like you," he said again, giving her a bashful smile. "A lot. I like you and I really want you to be happy. I want to date you, someday. I want us to happily go on dates together and do all those cheesy, cliché things together, like stargazing and walking on the beach during the sunset. I want to do everything with you, Mikyung," he said sincerely. "I want to give you all the happiness in the world because you deserve it," he finished, looking at her nervously. 

She looked at him, unsure of what to say. 

"You don't like me, do you?" Haknyeon said, giving her a small smile. 

Mikyung looked at the ground, thinking. "I don't know," she said after a moment. "I honestly never considered you as anything more than a friend." 

"I know," he said. "I understand." 

"But... I'm more comfortable around you than anyone else," she said softly, looking up at him. "I'm happy when I'm with you. You make me feel safe and happy and when I'm with you I can't help thinking that I'm really lucky to have you in my life. I don't know. Do thoughts like that mean that I like you? Or does that mean we're just close friends?" she questioned aloud. 

"It could be either, I guess," he said awkwardly, not quite making eye contact with her. 

"Even if I did like you, I'm not ready for a relationship-" 

"I know!" he said quickly. "I wasn't trying to ask you out... It just felt like the right timing to confess," he said, blushing. "I know you're not ready for a relationship," he said again. "I'd never try to rush you or anything." 

She sighed, feeling confused now. "I honestly don't know whether or not I like you as a friend or something more. You made me all confused!" she complained, playfully glaring at him. 

Haknyeon grinned at her. "Whoops. Sorry. When you figure that out... can you let me know?" he asked, wringing his hands together nervously. 

"I will," she promised. "And Haknyeon, can you promise me something?" 


"No matter what, let's never be awkward around each other, okay?" she said, suddenly feeling a bit panicked. "Even if I'm not sure of my feelings, I do know that I always want you in my life in some way, and I really, really don't want things to be awkward, so-"

"I get it," he said, laughing. "Got it. No awkwardness. I'll try my best," he promised her as they started walking again. 

"Mikyung," he said after a moment of silence, drawing her attention away from her confused thoughts and back to him. "I was thinking about something. I kind of had an idea."

"What is it?" 

"Since your dad is in the same hospital as your mom now, why don't we all go visit her together? Maybe we can take pictures for your project too. Or, you can go alone with your family," he said quickly. "Obviously. I don't want to intrude or anything-" 

"Your idea sounds perfect," she interrupted, smiling up at him. "Let's do it." 

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