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"You have a crush," Seolhee announced as soon as Haknyeon walked into the room, greeting him by throwing popcorn at his face. He tried and failed to catch the piece of popcorn before it fell, but Hyunjun ended up catching it and got to eat it instead.  

"Hey, give me some," he complained, squeezing himself in between Sunwoo and Seolhee. Sunwoo glared at him, but he pretended not to notice as he put his head on Seolhee's shoulder. "Please?" he said, pouting at her. 

She laughed, pushing his head away. "Maybe. But first, you have to tell me honestly. Yes or no. Do you have a crush on Mikyung?" 

"Yes," he said, without hesitation.

"REALLY?" Seolhee and Eric squealed at the same time. She tossed him the whole bag of popcorn and got up, holding hands with Eric as they jumped up and down. "I told you!" she shouted at Hyunjun and Sunwoo, then held out her hand. "My money, please." 

"Did you guys bet on me?" Haknyeon asked incredulously, watching as Seolhee and Eric collected money from Sunwoo and Hyunjun. 

"Obviously," Seolhee replied, plopping down on the sofa beside him again and casually throwing her arm around his shoulder. "Anyway, I knew it. Gosh, you're so obvious. Are you going to ask her out?" 

"She doesn't like me," Haknyeon pointed out. 

"Yeah," Seolhee admitted. "I don't think she does." 

"Wow, that was harsh," Eric commented from where he was lying on the floor beside Hyunjun. 

"It's the truth," Seolhee said with a shrug. "But just because she doesn't like you now doesn't mean she never will. Go show her your charms, and she'll fall for you immediately." 

"Like how you fell for me?" Sunwoo said playfully, wiggling his eyebrows at Seolhee, who rolled her eyes at him in return. 

"Yes, duh," she said, her voice teasing. "But seriously," she said, turning back to Haknyeon. "She's obviously the most comfortable around you than anyone else. You guys seem really close. Maybe just ask her out." 

Haknyeon shook his head before she even finished speaking. "I can't do that," he said, remembering their conversation from before. "That would be rude."


"She's not ready for a relationship," Haknyeon explained. "She has some... things to handle right now. A relationship would be more difficult on top of all that so... I just want to wait until she's completely ready."

"Awww!" Seolhee squealed, slapping his arm. "You're so cute!" she exclaimed, pinching his cheeks. 

He groaned, rolling his eyes and shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. 

But he couldn't help thinking that... 

He hoped Mikyung would find him cute as well, one day. He hoped that one day, she'd like him too. 

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