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"Let's buy this one!" Mikyung said excitedly, pointing to a pretty scrapbook on the top shelf. She tippy-toed, trying to reach it, but couldn't. She tried jumping, but it still didn't work. 

Haknyeon laughed, watching her failed attempts with amusement in his eyes.  

"Aren't you going to help me?" she complained, and he wordlessly came over, towering over her and grabbing the book with ease. 

"Here you go," he murmured, handing the book to her. For a moment they were standing so close to each other that she could hardly breathe and her heart was suddenly beating faster than usual, but then he stepped away and the moment passed. 

The two of them were at the store, looking at scrapbooks to buy. Their photography teacher had announced that they would have to figure out a creative way to present their photographs to the class, so they'd chosen to make a scrapbook. A scrapbook documenting their lives and how their lives ended up intertwining. 

Haknyeon ended up becoming a much larger part of her life than she'd expected. It had only been a little over a month since they'd met and started the project together, but already she felt really close to him. They spent a lot of time together, and he even came a few more times to visit her mom with her. It made her happy, since he got along really well with her mom. Plus, his visits always made her mom happy, which of course only made her happier as well. 

If she had to sum it all up... she was happy when she was with Haknyeon. Really, really happy. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, looking at her in confusion. 

"Because you're pretty," she said teasingly, echoing his words from what seemed like forever ago. Haknyeon blushed, scratching his head awkwardly. 

"Let's go pay for this," he said after a moment. She nodded, pressing her lips together and trying to stop herself from laughing. Truly, he was so cute. 

They paid for the book and went outside, walking until they got to the park that was near the University, and then they sat on a bench together and she opened her book bag, pulling out her folder of all the photos they'd developed and printed so far. 

There were the pictures of Seolhee and Sunwoo in the game room, and even one of her. The pictures of her and Haknyeon playing in the snow-filled playground in her hometown. The pictures of her and her mother, even pictures of the three of them. 

Mikyung smiled, looking at all the photos in front of her. "Thanks for being my friend," she said softly, her eyes landing on the picture she had with him and her mother, laughing with each other. 

"Thanks for coming into my life," he replied, smiling at her. 

A feeling of warmth and happiness settled over her as they sat there together, pointing out pictures that came out really well, laughing and talking about their memories together as though they'd known each other for years. 

But the perfect moment was interrupted when she received a phone call.

"Hello?" she said tentatively, not recognizing the number. 

"Is this Kim Mikyung?" a woman's voice asked over the phone. 


"Hello, I'm calling from TBZ Hospital. Your father has just been admitted." 

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