Chapter Three

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HARRY'S POV (Black Cat)

I woke up in the middle of the night after having another dream about my family. I looked around and saw the others sleeping. Even Scar... I guess that's her name since, I heard the other guy called him that. I suddenly realized I was laying down on her chest. Being on top of her made me felt really awkward. I glanced at her remembering what her body looked like. I smirked to my self. I felt kinda guilty. I looked at her when I heard her voice.

"I miss One Direction..." she said while turning to the side which made me fell. I stood up and tried to look at her but I was to short.

I groaned in frustration I can't beleive I turned into a cat, we all turned into cats and it's all my fault.


We were walking along New York. Then I saw a brunette chick walk passed us. I nudged Zayn on his side signalling to look.

"I bet I can get that girl in a second." I said and winked at him.

"You can't do that Harry, you're still dating that blonde chick." Liam said.

"In that case, I call dibs on her!" Niall joked.

"Then I'll dump her." I said confidently. I would do it.

"Oyeah?" Louis said in a challenging tone.

"See for yourself." I said and Zayn was shakin his head at me.

I took my phone out of my pocket and scribbled through my contacts and dialled Brittany's number.

With the first ring, she answered, "Hey babe! Wanna hoo-"

"I'm breaking up with you." I cut her of.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked, confused.

"Didn't you hear me? I said, I'm. breaking. up. with. you. " I said word for word.

"You. are. sooo. going. to. pay. for. this."

I answered her with a chuckle and hung up.

"See? Easy as pie." I said to Louis.

"How could you do that to a girl, Harry? Niall said.

"Well, its actually no use. Since miss brunette already left so.." Zayn said.

"Darn! Oh whatever, I didn't like her anyways." I said walking away.


"Good bye ladies see you again tomorrow!" I said while waving at them and walked to the back leaving Niall behind to do his ever famous jump thingy.

"What's next, Paul?" Zayn asked. "Back to the hotel." Paul said which made us groan except for Louis who had a mischievous look on his face.

"No going out of the hotel!" Paul said while looking at Louis. He chuckled and raised his hands up with a small smirk.

When we arrived at the hotel ... At the hotel room we had nothing to do. We all took places to lie around the living room. Me and Louis were cuddled up the couch. Niall was seating on the table, eating a taco. Zayn was on the floor, sleeping. While Liam was reading a book. Louis slightly moved.

"Let's go for a walk." He said.

"But Paul said not to go out." Niall said with his mouth full.

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