Chapter Twelve

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'What's taking them so long...' I thought as I rang the bell again. 

I heard foot steps approaching the door. "Scar?" I asked as I knocked on the door. No response. "Ash? seriously open this door or I'm gonna beat the shit outta you." I said as I knocked on the door again.


"You go check it!" Liam ordered Louis while pointing at the door. "No, you go check it, you're daddy direction." Louis said while pushing Liam out.

"No, you go check it, your the oldest !" Liam countered back. "I volunteer as tribute!" I blurted out randomly in the middle of their fight. They stopped arguing and stared at me weirdly while Harry was laughing his ass off beside me.

"What?" They both said. "I'll go check it." I said while going out. I stopped walking and stared at the door in front of me while taking in a deep breath.

"Scar?" The person said while knocking on the door. I didn't reply and felt panic inside me. "Ash? seriously open this door or I'm gonna beat the shit outta you." The person said in a threatening voice. I shakily knelt down on the floor and peeked under the door.


I knocked on the door again and again but got no answer. I groaned and knelt down the ground and peeked under the door. I gasped slightly when I saw a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at me.

"Scar?" I asked. The person on the other side panicked and stood up. I caught a sight of few strands of blonde hair as the person stood up. "Scar, did you colour your hair?" I asked but got no answer.

I stood up and grabbed a paper clip from my pocket that I bring everyday in case of emergencies like this and started picking the lock.


I felt panic rush inside me as I saw the knob shaking. 'What do I do?' I thought as I looked around frantically. I felt sweat forming in my hands as I held the door knob so the person couldn't open it.


I smiled when I heard the lock click. I turned the knob and pushed it open but it won't open cause something is blocking the door. "What the heck?" I muttered as I tried to open the door once again. I groaned in frustration and walked backwards. '1...2....3....CHARGE!!!' I thought as I ran towards the door to open it.


I started sweating as the person on the other side started shaking the knob trying to open it. "What the heck?" The person on the other side muttered as she tried to shake it again.

The person on the other side stopped shaking the door and I heard nothing. 'Is she gone?' I thought as I let go of the knob. I counted one to three before I opened the door to look outside.


"Ahhhh!" I screamed as I saw the door of the house open and saw a guy with blonde hair standing outside right where I was running towards. 'I need to stop!' I thought as I came closer to him.

' late....' A part of me thought as I landed on the person. 


My eyes widened as I saw a familiar girl charging towards me. "What the?" I muttered as she landed on top of me.

We just stared at each other for a moment, her deep hazel eyes boring into mine. "Oh! I am so sorry!" She said while standing up.

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