Chapter Twenty-One | Flour, Pink Aprons and Front Doors

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{A/N} | There will be some mature content in this chapter. I have put **** at the beginning and the ending of the scene. If you don't like mature content or feel uncomfortable reading, then you can skip to where you see the **** again. It's not relevant to have read that part to understand the rest of the chapter. Be safe.


The building seemed to loom over me. Even though I'd been here so many times before, it never failed to amaze me. With its late 19th century architecture it was one of the many eyecatchers in London. Tourists came to visit the public places and cafes around the campus, just to admire its beauty. Many first years would stop to marvel at it on their first week here.

I didn't blame them at all, I couldn't stop staring at it until I was in the last semester of my first year. The entire campus was a sight to behold. The cafes were run by students seeking some extra credits and money during their studies and there were little shops selling summary's and other school supplies. There was a library that functioned as a quiet place to study. There were rooms dedicated to extracurriculars and clubs. There were a few tourist shops selling freshly baked goods and merchandise from the London Southview University, which were all made by students.

"Corey!" one of my classmates called my name. "Over here, mate." He waved me over where he was sitting on one of the many grass patches in front of the building.

"Morning, Logan." I greeted, smiling as I made my way over to him.

It was still early but for once the temperature outside was nice enough to sit outside. It looked like Logan was taking full advantage of the sunbeams that snuck through the leaves of the tree he sat against. He had his sunglasses on his nose, which caused his long brown locks to fall messily around his face. Whenever I saw him, his hair was a mess. No matter what he seemed to do with it, whether he used his sunglasses to keep it out of his face or put it in a bun, it was always like a bird's nest. But it suited him because just like his hair, Logan was messy. He seemed to have already lost most of his school supplies and always forgot his assignments. But he was someone you could count on. One of our friends, Elijah, said he reminded him a bit of a Golden Retriever, the way he was always excited and hyped up about everything.

"Have you seen the others yet? I've been sitting here, enjoying the rare British sunshine for like forty minutes and you're the first person I see."

I shrugged, sitting down next to him but in the shade. The sun and I had a love-hate relationship. I always managed to burn something even if I put on sunscreen

"Where's your boyfriend?" I asked.

"His studio, I think." Logan shrugged. "He's been working on this piece for like, almost a week now even though I've tried convincing him multiple times that it's amazing because his work is always amazing, but you know how he is. He doesn't believe me. So he's been trying to fix it and make it perfect for like, days now."

I chuckled. Logan's boyfriend of two years, Rowan is an art student. Over the summer he's been selling some of his sculptures to this small art gallery downtown and they've asked him for new pieces to sell.

"Sounds like him, yeah." I nodded.

"Yeah, well, I love him for it. Sometimes I wish he would just take a break or something." Logan smiled. "C'mon, class is about to start. Let's see if the other loser is here yet."

We entered the main building and made our way to one of the classrooms that also housed a kitchen for cooking classes. The class was still relatively empty but I did spot Elijah in the back.

"Oi, stop raiding the fridge!" Logan called out, dropping his backpack on one of the chairs.

Elijah dropped whatever he was holding and turned around. His black hair was styled in a quiff and there was a white powder in the front, which I hoped was flour. When he saw us his face lit up, his dimples poking out as his frown broke into a grin.

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