Chapter Eleven | Almost Like A Fairy Tale

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Everything about this evening had been perfect so far. Me being with Ethan felt perfect. I needed us to try this because it had just felt right when I saw him waiting for me. The dinner was perfect, the conversations we'd had never seemed to run out. I wanted more.

His arm was wrapped around my shoulder as I leaned against him. We were both watching the sunset in silence. I felt like we needed this silence. Not because we didn't want to say anything but so we could both think. I needed to think. I liked him, a lot. I knew that if we were to give in to our feelings, into the connection between us then it would be far from easy. But I was okay with it. Being with him just felt right. It was way too early to think this, but I thought we could be something good. Something worth trying.

I hoped he felt the same.

The places he was touching my body were tingling with sensation and I enjoyed being so close to him. He was warm and comforting. Just being close to him calmed me down.

The sky turned darker and darker as the last rays of sunshine disappeared on the horizon. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and I turned in his grip. I was just a little bit taller than him and looked down on him, our eyes meeting. His blue eyes gazed into mine.

It amazed me how I could see every emotion in his eyes yet still wonder what he was thinking. His eyes moved, seemingly taking in mine. And while we stared at each other, one thought popped into my mind.

I wanted to kiss him.

I licked my lips at that thought. What would it be like to kiss him? What would he taste like?

A light breeze picked up around us and for a few seconds, time seemed to be frozen around us. I didn't remember who leaned in but then his lips were touching mine and my lips seemed to be on fire. Our lips moved slowly, both trying to figure out what the other wanted. The entire time it felt like the fire spread to the rest of my body and soon I was aching for more.

My hands snaked around his neck, tugging at the hair there as he pulled me closer to him. I felt his hands on my hips, keeping me close. My lungs ached for air but I didn't want to breathe yet.

We pulled back when the lack of air became too strong. I panted as I rested my forehead to his. A smile played on his lips as he pecked my lips again, this time not making an effort to deepen it. If we kissed again, we'd probably go further than kissing.

"I really like you, Corey." He whispered, his breath brushing against my face.

I smiled. "I really, really like you too, Ethan."

He chuckled. "Did you just quote a Carly Rea Jepsen song?"

I grinned. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

He shook his head and moved away from me, his hands staying on my hips. I let him lean on me this time when it seemed to he swayed a bit.

"You okay?" I asked when he leaned against my chest with his back.

"My leg got tired." He chuckled, eyeing the crutches that stood against the wall.

"Lean on me," I said, wrapping my arm around his waist as he changed his position to ease his leg.

"I like being this close to you." He admitted, turning his head so he could look at me. The lights around us illuminated his face and somehow his eyes seemed to light up on their own.

I hummed and tightened my hold on his waist. I liked having him lean on me, him being so close to me. It made me feel secure and loved. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. "You're warm," I replied making him laugh.

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