Chapter Four | My Co-worker Has A Fangirl Attack

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I almost didn't hear my phone over the loud music that I was blasting in my room while I tried to do my homework.

Keyword: tried.

I couldn't focus. Call me weird but my mind kept wandering back to that small moment I had with the prince. Every time I tried to think of something else I kept thinking back to the way his blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the sun.

I'd always had a crush on the prince but it had never been more than that because I knew I'd never meet him.

Only then I did meet him. He was everything I thought he'd be and more. The pictures of him online didn't do him justice and I had to try my very hardest not to squeal like a little girl when he approached me. I did, however, witness my colleague Drew squeal when I told her about the moment between me and prince Ethan.

Because there definitely had been a moment between us, that I was certain of. Even my wild imagination couldn't have made that up. The way his hand seemed to linger in mine, and how disappointed he looked when his bodyguard ushered him away from our stand.

My phone stopped ringing and I realized that I'd drifted off in space again. I picked it up from my desk, giving up on my schoolwork. I'd come back to that later, probably.

I had a missed call from my boss Marie and several frantic texts of Drew, all in caps. I slid my thumb across the screen and the texts between me and Drew popped up.

When the messages popped up and I was about to read them I saw that Marie was calling me again. I answered immediately, fearing that something had happened in the shop today.

'Hello?' I greeted when I held the phone to my ear.

'Corey, can you come to the store as soon as possible?' Marie greeted me. The way she spoke seemed off. She sounded out of breath and her accent was stronger, indicating that she was emotional.

'Marie, what's wrong?' I asked. 'Did something happen?'

'Everything is fine, dear. I just need to tell everyone something very important and I cannot do it over the phone.' she assured me, sounding calmer than she did when she first spoke.

'I'll be there in ten.' I stated, already moving from my desk to grab my shoes.

'Alright, dear. See you in a bit.' Marie hung up and I tossed my phone on my bed.

What could possibly have happened that caused Marie to react in such a way and for Drew to message me frantically?


Of course, she'd texted me. No doubt that there would be an answer in those texts. I grabbed my phone again and opened the texts from her.








I gasped, nearly dropping my phone on the ground as I scrolled through her texts. That had to be the reason why Marie seemed so frantic I thought. But what would the prince want? And was he still at the store?

Part of me hoped he was. I wanted to see him again if only to assure myself that it hadn't been a dream.

Upon entering the store I was met with several reporters trying to talk to Marie and Drew. Word travelled fast in a small town.

When Marie saw me she gestured me to step behind the counter quickly and then she grabbed my hand, tugging me to her office where Barbara was already sitting.  Drew closed the door behind us, turning to Marie who stood next to Barbara.

'Corey-' Marie started. She sounded as emotional as she did on the phone, only now I could tell for sure that she was about to tell us something good because she was grinning from ear to ear.

Also, Drew was squealing beside me as she clutched my arm. That also assured me there was nothing wrong.

'You may have noticed the mayhem of reporters outside.' Marie continued. When I nodded she smiled comically. 'It's rather hard to miss I admit. It's because we've had a very special guest this morning.'

'It's because of the prince, right?' I filled in, eyeing both of my bosses.

Marie frowned but then her eyes flickered to Drew. The girl just smiled innocently.

Barbara sighed. 'You told him already?' She jutted her lip. 'We wanted to tell him.'

'I was too excited!' Drew defended herself, her green eyes sparkling with it. 'It's not every day the oldest prince comes here in the name of the king!'

Marie rolled her eyes with a fond smile. While they were our bosses, to me they felt like our extremely caring aunts. 'As I was saying, prince Ethan visited us with a delightful message.'

Drew started to squeeze my hand as Marie said the next words. 

'We've been hired to do the catering to princess Paisley's birthday party this year!' Marie stated with a giant smile. Both her and Barbara's faces were lit in excitement at this opportunity.

I found myself frozen in place, unable to comprehend what she had just said. This could be an amazing chance for the bakery to expand its brand. It'd mean that we'd attract a larger scale of customers per day. Maybe we'd even get to open another store.

All the amazing things that could come from this one opportunity flew through my head. I wanted Marie and Barbara to have that future for their store. It'd been their life for more than a decade and they deserved it.

Instead of saying anything I hugged them. I pulled Drew into our group hug with a smile. 'This is amazing.' I said, my eyes gleaming with joy. Both at the knowledge of our future and of the possibility that I'd see the prince again.

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