Chapter Twelve | Rumours Fly

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I walked out of the hospital with a sigh and a huge smile on my face. Dylan walked a few paces behind me and two other guards walked in front of me. And still, I couldn't feel freer. The cast had been removed after what felt like an eternity and while I still had to keep the crutches for support, I could now walk again. I gave me a sense of freedom that I didn't realize I had missed.

Of course, my happiness couldn't last because as soon as I left the hospital we were greeted by thousands of flashes of cameras. People were calling my name as they tried to push past the security guards of the hospital, the police and my bodyguards.

"Your majesty! Over here!"

"Prince Ethan! How are you dealing with the act of terrorism on you?"

"Is there any news on the men who attacked you?"

"Are the rumours true?"

"Prince Ethan!"

I felt overwhelmed by the mass of people. Something that surprised me. I'd never had issues with crowds like this one. But now, as we tried to move through the thick mass of paparazzi, I felt closed in. I couldn't breathe. My vision started to tunnel and I tried to focus on the back of the guard in front of me. His posture was built and he stuck out in the crowd, making it easy for me to focus on him.

Dylan gripped my arm tightly as he gently, but as fast as possible dragged me through the growing crowd. The two other guards moved to my other side when one of the paparazzi moved a little too close.

The black SUV of the palace came into view and the backdoors were pushed open. Dylan pushed me inside and then got in beside me, closing the door with a bang. The voices from outside faded and the tinted windows gave me a sense of security.

"Breathe, Ethan." Dylan pushed me softly against the backseat and looked at me with a worried expression.

I inhaled and realized that my lungs were craving air. I hadn't realized I'd kept my breath.

"You're okay." He assured me as the car started to move.

I turned my head to glance outside. The press was moving along with the car. Bright flashes were still visible through the dark windows but their shouting was murmured now. And soon they were gone as we raced through the busy London streets.

"What happened?"

I turned my gaze back to Dylan who was still eyeing me curiously.

"I don't know," I answered. I felt shaken and it scared me. I thought I'd get over the impact the attack has had on me. It only seemed to affect me at night. I had nightmares almost every night. I hadn't had a panic attack since the one I had in my father's office. "I felt like I was suffocating."

He frowned. "Maybe you should talk to someone about it."

I shook my head. "I'm fine, D." I protested. "It must have just been the adrenaline crash from having the cast removed with that saw." It came out weak, I knew that, but I didn't need to talk to someone. I was fine.

He didn't look convinced. "Ethan, it might help you." He eyed me before carefully adding, "I know you've been having nightmares."

"I'm fine, honestly." With that, I made a point of not wanting to talk anymore by staring out of the window.

It had been two days since my date with Corey and I hadn't seen him since he'd gone back to New Haven yesterday. Obviously, I couldn't expect him to stay here. That didn't mean I didn't miss him being in the same city.

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