Chapter Ten | Have Your Lasagne And Eat It Too

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A/N | Here it is guys! The moment we've all been waiting for. The first date! 

For some reason, I had a hard time writing the date but I'm satisfied with how it turned out! 

Let me know down in the comments what you thought of it. Have fun reading! |


I couldn't believe I just did that. I walked away from the kitchen, still in a daze. I can't believe that I gathered the courage to ask him out. My voice hadn't betrayed me by giving out or stuttering like I thought I would.

Dylan was grinning like a fool when I reached him. "He seems nice." He said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, will you?" I muttered. "You're driving me tonight."

He raised his eyebrow. "Anything special planned?"

"Just a date." I grinned, starting to make my way to Keynan's room. There was no doubt that he was already there and I'd promised him I'd play a game of football with him.

"A date?" he exclaimed, stepping up to keep up with me. Not that it took him a lot of effort. I'd barely set four steps. "You've got to tell me more. When did this happen?"

"When we were taking a stroll through London." I rolled my eyes. "Just now, you idiot."

He shook his head. "This is huge, Ethan! Where are you taking him? I'm assuming you were the one who asked him? Or did he ask you?" he started to ramble, his red hair bouncing with the steps he took.

"First of all, why are you more excited about my date than I am? Second of all, not here." I said when we reached Keynan's room. "I asked him. I've got a plan but I need you to set it up. I'll text you everything you're going to need. I promised to pick him up at seven." I said. "Will you help me?"

"Obviously." Dylan responded with a grin. "Man this is exciting! Okay, what do you need?"

I grinned and started explaining my plan. I'd imagined our first date looking like that so I knew exactly what to do and what we'd need. I trusted Dylan to pull it off.

"Ethan!" Keynan exclaimed when I entered his room. "What took you so long?" he asked, looking up from his game.

"I'm on crutches plus I'm nowhere near as fast as you, Flash." I said, plopping down next to him on the couch.

"No one is as fast as me." He mumbled and I chuckled, ruffling his hair. Keynan had always loved to run. He ran everywhere and he became fast. Of course, when he was younger we could easily keep up with him but we started comparing him with the Flash because of all the running. And it kind of just stuck.

We played FIFA for a while before Dylan knocked on the door again. He was grinning. "It's ready, Ethan. You should get changed." He said.

"Looks like I've got to run, K." I said, pausing the game.

Keynan pouted. "But I was winning!" he whined. "Why'd you have to go?"

I grabbed my crutches and hoisted myself up. I was getting the hang of these damned things. "I've got a meeting to attend to." I said as if I really wasn't looking forward to it. I totally was. "We'll finish this match tomorrow, okay? You should head to the dining room, I'm sure Chef Sara has dinner ready."

My little brother nodded but still with a pout on his face.

"No pouting, Key. You know what mum told you." I said, walking towards Dylan.

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