Chapter Twenty-Three | The Night Before The Morning After

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{A/N} | OMG, we're already over 4oo readers! Thank you so much, it means a lot! Enjoy!

I had this chapter halfway written and then deleted most of it cause I didn't like where it was going. Not completely satisfied with it yet but it is what it is.

Anyway, happy reading and let me know your thoughts!! |


(the night before)

"Are you crying?"

I looked up from the screen where Ten Things I Hate About You was playing. "No," I said, wiping at my eyes. "Just had something in my eye."

Corey chuckled. "Sure, your majesty." He rested his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, pulling his body closer to mine.

"They want to meet you, properly, you know?" I said after a few seconds. After I told him about my coming out with my siblings we'd decided to watch a movie. I'd been scared to bring it up, I didn't want to freak him out because I knew it'd be a big deal to him.

"Who?" he asked, looking confused.

"My siblings. They want to meet you." I said. "I mean, I know you've already met them but they want to meet you properly, as my boyfriend. And I would really like for you to meet them as well." I added the last part quietly.

Corey lifted his head and shifted so he could face me. "They want to meet me? Why?" he frowned.

I grabbed his hands in mine, letting them fall down on his lap. "Because you make me happy, and they want me to be happy. Because you're my boyfriend and they're supportive of us. Because they already loved you when you met in the hospital and they want to be properly introduced." I said, already knowing he was close to spiralling down into anxious thoughts.

He smiled and my heart stuttered. God, I loved that smile. "Okay, I'd love to meet them too."

I grinned. "Great."

He grinned back and reclaimed his space against my side. His head was a comforting weight on my shoulder and his hand came up to grip mine that was resting on his shoulder. "I love you, Ethan."

"I love you too, Corey," I replied before focussing back on the movie where Kat had just found out about Patrick's lies.

It didn't take long for the movie to end but neither of us made a move to turn it off. It wasn't until the bloopers had played and the screen went black that Corey leaned up to turn it off.

"Another movie?" he asked, putting the DVD back in its case.

I shook my head. "I want to take you somewhere," I said. I had this sudden idea and now I couldn't sit still.

He frowned. "It's nearly eleven, surely everything is closed?"

"This place isn't. Can I take you?"

"Uh, sure I guess." He seemed confused. "Just let me get changed into something warmer."

He left the room so I made my way to the front door where I knew my bodyguard was waiting.

"Okay, I'm all done," Corey announced a few minutes later and he appeared in the hallway. He'd changed from his t-shirt into a brown knitted sweater. "Where exactly are we going?" he asked as he tied his black Dr Martens.

I grinned. "It's a surprise."

He rolled his eyes but there was a small smile on his lips. "Lead the way, your Majesty."

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