Chapter Nine | Meeting Like This

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Today was hectic at the bakery. Marie and Barbara were both stressed over the fact that we'd be going to the palace later this day to give them some samples so we could set up a menu for the event. Drew and I were really just trying to keep them calm, so we'd closed the shop for the day.

They were supposed to be at the palace at four o'clock, so we had about three more hours before they had to leave. We'd agreed that Marie and Barbara would both be going and that Drew and I would close up. It seemed logical that the owners would represent the bakery.

Due to the chaos from the two women, I hadn't had a chance to tell Ethan I wouldn't be coming to the palace. I had a feeling that he would be the one tasting the food we'd bring because he was the one to suggest it to the king. I hadn't texted him all day, actually, and I found myself missing him. We'd shared a short good morning conversation this morning but that was it.

"Corey, how are the doughnuts coming along?" Marie asked as she walked past me with a container filled with different kinds of muffins.

"Almost done." I said. "Only need to do the toppings. Can I try something new?" I wanted to try this new topping flavour that I saw online. I'd made it for Drew once but we hadn't brought it up to our bosses for sale yet.

"If you're sure that it's going to impress them, then yes. I trust you." Marie said with a smile. They encouraged us to keep trying new recipes to sell. The idea I had in mind for this batch of doughnuts was trying to create a marble effect as glazing. It would taste like milk and white chocolate to keep it simple yet give it a more fancy look.


I'd just placed the last batch of doughnuts in the freezer when Barbara stormed in. her face was flushed and her eyes wide with panic.

"Wow, boss." I spoke, reaching out to stop her from bumping into a cart with bread as she stormed through the kitchen. "What is going on?"

She let out a long breath. "My granddaughter is in the hospital, I have to go there now." She said as her eyes flickered through the room.

"Relax, boss, okay?" I tried to calm her down. "Talk to me, what happened?"

"Anne fell from a tree. You know how much she loves to climb into the most dangerous trees." She started, smiling slightly at her granddaughter's habit. "Her friend's mother brought her to the hospital. Her mother is on a business trip this week, Anne was staying with me. I have to go get her."

I nodded. "Then go." I said. "We understand."

"But the tasting. Marie can't do it all alone!"

"And she won't. Drew or I will accompany her. It'll go great, okay?" I assured her. "Go take care of Anne. Don't worry about us."

"He's right, Barbs." Marie spoke up as she entered the kitchen. "Your family comes above the tasting. Corey and I can handle handing out a few of our dishes, you have to be there for your granddaughter."

"Alright. You guys are right." Barbara sighed. She pulled us both into a hug. "Goodluck."

"Take care of the sweet little girl." Marie replied. We watched as Barbara relaxed and left the bakery. "Corey, you're joining me this afternoon. Do we have everything in the van?" Marie asked, turning to me.

"Yes, the doughnuts are in the freezer but they should be done before we leave." I answered, trying to contain the excitement building in my body. I could surprise Ethan.

Marie nodded and left to tell Drew about the change of plans, and I couldn't keep the smile from my face.


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